Friday, 22 January 2021

Crow versus crisp packet on black ice

Something a bit different for today's Nature Friday. 

Seen on the way back from Duthie Park on Sunday morning. Bertie and I were standing about ten feet away.

Is this crow perhaps failing to live up to his species' reputation for high IQ...?

Thanks again to our dear friends Jakey, Arty, Rosy and Sunny for hosting this blog hop. Do go and visit the other posts - we know you won't regret it! 


  1. that is a super video...the mama thinks that maybe was a weed bag? LOL

  2. This is a great video Bertie - shame the crisp packet was empty!
    Did the crow want to go "snow" boarding - it looked like it at one point in the video!

    Inca xx

  3. We loved watching the crow bend down and peer into the bag. Bummer that there weren't foodables inside and we heard the Seagulls just waiting to come and steal that crisp packet from the crow.

  4. Hari OM
    Oh, Bertie lad, I do believe Mr C was trying to get the engine to start on that skidoo!!! I love how it turn the packet upside down just to make sure nothing fell out and then bent down to look inside and double check... and that it clearly knew that the really tasty wee bits get stuck at the bottom of these packets!!! So I beg to differ. I think it knew exactly what it was doing. I wonder if it would have stay on it if there had been more of a slope and it really did ski down?! Great capture by Gail for NF. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. When I showed the video to my vet friend Kirsty, she thought the crow was just enjoying playing (as apparently they do)!

  5. One thing he is good for is he made me laugh out loud! Silly bird! And I love it when he sits on it and slides around like it's a sleigh. I'm wondering if maybe there's one crisp left in the bottom of that bag and he knows it

  6. Maybe this guy is where the uncomplimentary name bird brain came from???

  7. COL COL COL...OMDs Bertie you and Gail were 187% in the right place at the right time. What a capture. That crow was surf boarding or ice skating. It tickled me when he peeped inside the bag as if trying to see what the heck was making the thing move.
    Love it thanks for the smiles
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That is a fun video to watch. We like how the crow took a peek inside a couple of times. It looks like he was trying to mash up the crumbs at the bottom of the bag so they would come out when he picked it up. We agree with some of the other comments it would have been fun to see him ride the bag a ways if there had been more of a slope to the road.

  9. The crows/ravens around here are the same way..waaayyyyy too smart!

  10. LOL! Seems he didn't believe the open end evidence that it was empty and wanted to try the closed end.

  11. I sympathize. That's how I feel with a screw driver in my hand.

  12. That was hilarious. We love how the crow would bend down to try to look inside the bag - must have been some crumbs in there:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. That was so funny! I wondered if he actually *wanted* to slide on it, kind of like a human sledding!

  14. We kept waiting to see if the crow was going to slide on the packet like a surfer!
