In case you missed any of them... are links to my science-related posts to date, in order of appearance on my blog:
Announcing Bertie Boffin's science lecture series
Earth Science introduction
Earth Science - Field trip part 1 (Scotch on the Rocks)
Earth Science - Field trip part 2 (after the event)
Quantum Physics - lecture announcement
Quantum Physics - Leaping about in an Excited State
Climate Change - research announcement
Climate Change - the research results
Source of Scientific Inspiration
Gravity - lecture announcement
Gravity - in Galileo's Footsteps
Science at the Blogville Picnic - an announcement
Science at the Blogville Picnic - the aftermath
David Attenborough - Greatest Living Englishman?
Inter-Species Jealousy - Pandas arrive in Edinburgh Zoo
Particle Physics - the Higgs Boson Diet Plan
About a dog's centre of gravity and tendency to topple
The Boffin returns after a long absence
Baffled by human behaviour (the limits of science)
A low carbon pawprint Olympic Games
Bertie enjoys a real geological field trip to Lossiemouth
The placebo effect (sort of)
Electromagnetism, James Clerk Maxwell and his dog Toby
Asta predicts an earthquake
Peter Higgs wins Nobel Prize
A discussion of new research into asymmetric tail wagging
A letter to the editor of Current Biology re tail wagging paper
Why do dogs tilt their heads?: the hypotheses
Why do dogs tilt their head?: the conclusions
The Schrödinger's cat and a Quantum of Mystery
Contemplating photosynthesis
Bertie's astronaut fantasy
Comment on the Tim Hunt 'girls in labs' affair
The shaved furs colour experiment
Distractingly sexy science?
Getting to grips with P vs NP
Festive Quantum Robins
On the trail of Benjamin Franklin
Robert Fitzroy and the science of weather forecasting
Bertie's Pee-hD thesis
Are you as fit as a barnacle goose?
On the Lewisian Gneiss
A thank you for action on Global Warming
Concerning the enrichment of Mexican Gray Wolves
Dogs healthier than husbands?
Bertie reviews 'Tamed' by Alice Roberts
Small dogs pee higher
The Ruby Rise Report: Covering My Ass
5 minutes ago