Friday, 11 December 2020

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud!

 One of the glories of nature, surely?

I dream of being a hippo in another life...

Happy Nature  Friday!


  1. Berie we love your boots... and you even wear a mud mask now... that is very comme il faut... ;O)

  2. Bertie, every time I find some mud I have to have a wash when I get home! It sort of spoils the fun.

    Inca xx

  3. What fun for you, Bertie, but I bet you get dumped into the tub when you get back home.

  4. the glory of mud is in the eyes of the beholder. ha ha.. 5 dogs and only 1 liked mud, our first dog. we don't know if Beau likes mud, we have had none since we got him

  5. OH Bertie my little bud in the mud!!
    I love it some humans pay mega bucks for a mud bath....Yay you all free and at your tip toes.
    I cracked up at your dreams of being a Hippo.
    While we're dreaming, I'd like to be a WFT in Scotland in another life
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. You found lots of great mud, Bertie. Our pawrents don't like it if we get too muddy either.

  7. BOL..... love your muddy boots. Will make grrrrreat pawprints in da house.

  8. Oh, we would love to jump into that mud bath too. It is healthy for fur and skin, isn't it? So we get a bit dirty, a bath will fix that. Happy Friday!

  9. Hari OM
    ...or a hog??? &*> Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  10. There's nothing quite like it for cooling the blood....
    We love mud, too. And even with a bath afterwards, it's worth it.

  11. Good job Bertie!! We really like your cool new "mud boots" in the last picture!

  12. It may be hard to believe but the princess of the house (Misty) LOVES mud!!! Mom foiled that when she lined the fence perimeter with big rocks. Now the track that we made can't get all muddy:( But somehow we still manage to find some mud anyway.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. My mom would do a triple flip and drop dead if I got in mud like that.

  14. "MMMud, mud, glorious mud"—sung to any tune you'd like...

  15. Looks so great and hope it didn't result in a truly unnecessary bath!

  16. Muddy paws! Nothing better! Makes the humans scream when you come back into the house, hahaha!

    Your friend Rosie
