Friday, 3 August 2018

Oops-a-Daisy it's Flower Friday!

So the other day Gail and I made the two mile walk from our house down to the mouth of Aberdeen harbour, and she decided this big patch of daisies would make a nice feature for Rosy and the LLB gang's Flower Friday.

Gosh if you had any idea how patiently I stood on the steep slope while Gail awkwardly manoeuvered herself into a crouching position to take the pictures showing the North Sea in the background.

And you know I even refrained from laughing when Gail stood up again and realised she'd been sitting in a bog...

Gail and I did have a little dispute about what type of daisies we were looking at. Of course, when Gail consulted the flower book after we got home, she decided that I was probably right, and they were shasta daisies (a garden escape) and not oxeye daisies.

PS Is it wrong to find it funny that the latin name for the shasta daisy is leucanthemum x superbum?


  1. we love the name (it sounds like something you can get from too much ice cream) LOL

  2. Da patience paid off becuz da photos are pawsome!

    Superbum - BOL BOL!

  3. Super bum daisies, hehe, that are sooooo FUNNY
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Hari OM
    Very fitting name, given the photographer got a wet one!!! Bertie lad, your patience with Gail is appreciated, because that shot with the harbour light tower is superb. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What a gorgeous setting for your daisies, Bertie!

  6. OH my cats...........yes indeedy Bertie Gail put herself out on a cliff for today. Well done to Gail and to you for waiting patiently. What a technicolor field of posies. OMCs I spy a lighthouse wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the corner of pic #2.
    Oh no Gail had a wet bum all in pursuit of the best angle for the superbum!!!
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  7. Pretty daisies, didn't even know there are different kinds of them. Nice view of the North Sea too.

  8. Great photos...maybe not worth bog sitting, but still great!
    And yet another handsome Bertie photo


  9. Those are pretty daisies and we love the coastline in the background. Of course the scene is all set perfectly because you are in it too Bertie. You had us laughing at the Latin name of the flower too.

  10. I think it was worth sitting in a bog, because that was a beautimous pic!

  11. OMD...We think Mama's jaw just dropped to the floor when she saw the picture of you, the daisies AND the North Sea!

    We, on the other hand, also giggled Gail's boggy mishap...mostly because similar things have happened to our Mama...
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  12. Superbum - BOL - maybe that has something to do with the bog Gail was sitting in:) The daisies are quite lovely. Mom remembers digging up daisies along the country roads when she was a little girl out for a Sunday drive with her mother and grandmother - sadly the daisies never survived once planted back home:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Wowee such beautiful pics!!! BOL! Superbum did give us a laugh
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. I adore your daisies. We just had a daisy debate here too. Our recent invaders are oxeye so they must go... I'm so glad that yours are Shasta!

  15. I love daisies and was pretty sure these were shasta daisies. A field of daisies sounds like heaven to me.

  16. That is a beautiful picture of your with the North Sea behind you
