Friday, 10 December 2021

Soothing or boring?

To assuage my disappointment on learning that the second big storm to hit the UK in less than two weeks was not named after yours truly, Gail took me for a nice walk along the seafront at Stonehaven on Wednesday afternoon.

We paused to admire some new nautical artwork,

and some very ancient lumps of rock.

The gale force winds had died down but the waves whipped up by Storm Barra (what kind of a name is 'Barra', BTW?) were still crashing against the stony beach.  To be honest, there's only so long a terrier is prepared to stand patiently watching and listening the motion of sea, but Gail was quite transfixed and seems to think my readers might also enjoy the spectacle. She says don't forget to turn up the volume on the video.

So Happy Nature Friday! And thanks once again to our lovely friends Rosy, Sunny and Jakey for hosting the blog hop. Gail and I are so excited to learn they are moving to New Mexico, and wish their Mama and Daddy all the best with packing up the house. We're looking forward to lots of wonderful Nature Friday posts from their beautiful new state.


  1. uuuh we hear ya... barra came with 140 kilometer per hour... she/he will get a speeding ticket...

  2. Bertie, my human says Gail's video is spectacular. It seems she likes a rough sea too, and could stand for hours just watching the waves crashing on the shore. She loves the sound of the sea receding over the gravel beach too!
    Well, all I can say is thank goodness we don't get too many rough seas and the beaches are sandy. Otherwise I'd be standing waiting forever!

    Inca xx

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Bertie lad, you have to understand that there is something elemental, feral, deep within the human psyche that is drawn by the waves and wind - I loved the video and could have watched a lot more!

    Now I am sure you know that Barra is a Hebridean Island - but it is also the name of a television dog... the black labrador in Take The High Road (for the early years anyway).

    Mind, you are not alone in wondering about the overlooking of the potential for Berie as a storm name (that link also provides another link to the Met office, where you could have put forth your arguments for it - so maybe next storm season???) That blog auther is an "Honourable" and apart from being 'someone in the city' is also on the committe of the P G Wodehouse Soc. ... just in case you wanted to follow your nose down some interesting online reading! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Mom lived on the North Sea Coast for several years in Germany and they had huge storms like that. She says it was great to go to the beach after they were gone to see what had been left behind. Hope your weather improves.

  5. There is nothing like those beautiful rolling waves and winds. We loved the video!

  6. there is something meserizing about the sound of surf and crashing waves. magnificent. we don't get crashing waves in our gulf beaches except during a hurricane and we don't go there. but we do have surf like this on the other coast of Florida... sorry they did not name the storm after you... we too are excited over the move to New Mexico

  7. Bertie I say "Barra Humbug" indeed what does it even mean? BOL BOL BOL
    I did enjoy your stroll on the coast and I 187% agree with Gail...the sound of the waves and watching as they kiss the shore is most relaxing. Those are some surfer waves for sure
    I'm hoping the Rosy, Sunny and Jakey will have
    guest suite for all of us
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Our mom watched the entire video of the waves. She too is mesmerized when watching waves. There is a park on the shore of Lake Ontario where she likes to go after a storm and watch the waves crashing into a break wall. We even posted a video of it on our blog a while ago. We're with you in wanting to move on and continue the walk but our mom enjoyed the video.

  9. I absolutely loved watching and listening to the video. We lived for years in Sausalito, California, USA, a small town on the SF Bay. Living on a sailboat, we saw, played by (with CWC Charlie), and walked by water. Right before we moved, after 16 years, I couldn't imagine how I would feel not living by water. It was so much a part of our lives.

  10. Mom LOVES the sound of waves crashing. It reminds her of all her days as a young girl when her family would spend summer vacations at the seaside. But she thinks she might prefer it to be a sunnier day:)

    Bertie, Storm Bertie sounds much better to us too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Wow Bertie...your ocean may be louder than Arty's ocean!

    Like YAM-Aunty, Mama could listen to the crash of the waves for hours on end!
    Rosy, Jakey and Sunny

  12. Watching an ocean in a storm is seeing the true power of nature.

  13. Hi friend, Ojo here! Storm Bertie has a much better ring to it!

  14. Those are some very big waves, we are glad you weren't blown away! very do see the most remarkable things on your walks, Bertie!

    Rosie and Redford
