Friday, 24 April 2020

Patiently Posing in the Park?

So to begin with I went along with Gail's suggestion that, for the LLB Gang's Nature Friday this week, I "pose nicely" in front of some of the pretty spring flowers in Duthie Park.

But soon my patience wore thin...

And when Gail started going on about how lovely it is to see the magnolia in bloom, a rare sight this far north in the UK...

... I switched my attention to an interesting message from one of my park pals.

By the time we came to the new(ish) rockery, my boredom threshold had been exceeded by some margin, so I left Gail to take the pictures on her own.

I was half way home by the time she was done. Can you see me?

And no I was not out of control, I was social distancing...

Happy Nature Friday folks! 


  1. we like da tulips!!! they are a little like soldiers, when they stand in a row ;O)

  2. We liked the tulips too, but my human and I both agree that the photo of the rockery would have been greatly enhanced with your handsome self sitting in front of it!

    Inca xx

  3. Hello Bertie and Gail, nice to see you both enjoying the sunshine x

  4. Hari OM
    Bertie lad, sometimes you just have to follow your nose... and there was plenty of space for you to fill, but the looks of things! What a beautiful show in the park gardens though - thanks for taking Gail and her camera along. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What beautiful flowers, Bertie, and our favorite picture is of you tiptoeing through the Primroses.

  6. Bertie Duthie Park is absolutely bathed in technicolor. Flower beds galore!! and RED too.
    Double WoW. Oh and thank you for posing nicely! Even though you had smell mail to open.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. What a lovely place for a walk. We can understand how you wouldn't want to hang around while Gail took all those pictures but we're glad she did.

  8. You can only pose nicely for so long!

  9. That's exactly what I thought, Bertie, before I say your comment: "Extreme social distancing." Lovely flowers, though——so, many thanks to Gail for brightening my morning!

  10. Sometimes those photo shoots are just too long! Don't blame you for social distancing.

  11. Oh Bertie - you are hilarious! I had to biggify the photo to see you out in the distance. Those sure are glorious spring flowers!!!! Thanks for being patient for as long as you could be because I adored the photos.

  12. Beautiful flowers!!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  13. Humans do tend to get carried away when Spring flowers start to bloom...BOL!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  14. Social distancing is important 😜 Your poses were great. Your spring is lovely.

  15. You outshone every one of those flowers. You are a beauty

  16. We duzn't git to do no social distancin'... da mommas fear we'd be after a bunny or skwerril and dey couldn't catch us. Those sure are some pretty flowers!

  17. Thank you for brightening up a rainy afternoon here in the states with your brilliant flowers, so beautiful! And Bertie, you are pretty darned handsome too!

    Kiki and Rosie
