Friday, 10 April 2020

On yer bike!

Tell me, are there any other pups out there who are beginning to find this business of having one's human at home all the time rather onerous?

I mean, we all know it's important to keep an eye on what they're up to, but so much snoopervising does mean fewer opportunities for rest and relaxation.

(And, between you and me, it's just a teeny weeny little bit embarrassing to have one's person know quite how many hours a day a senior dog likes to nap....)

So when Gail suggested another long walk to gather material for the LLB Gang's Nature Friday this week, I subtly nudged her in the direction of her bicycle, and thankfully she took the hint.

Last time Gail went out for a bike ride her hands were so cold when she returned that she couldn't turn the key in the front door, so for this outing I insisted she take a flask of hot coffee. As I reminded her, the cafés are all closed just now.

I did also suggest to Gail that she take a selfie of herself with bicycle, but to be honest, the result was so scary I felt I couldn't include it in this post, for fear of being banned by Blogger. Is her nose really that big? And perhaps one of my dear readers could tell us where you find the special software which eliminates from photos all wrinkles and skin blemishes....

Fortunately the pictures of the spring lambs turned out more acceptable.

I wonder, did Gail call out "mint sauce" as she was cycling by?

The landscape looked quite flat to me, but when I commented that she had clearly chosen an easy route, Gail sighed and patiently explained how when on a bicycle the hills are always much bigger and steeper than they appear in photographs.

I also queried why we would want a photo of Aberdeen's new(ish) bypass in a Nature Friday post. The justification, apparently, is that the lack of traffic on the roads at the moment means less air pollution - great news all round for the natural environment.

Finally, I had been hoping that Gail would come back with some shots of Highland cattle, especially 'cos I know our dear friend YAM-Aunty would enjoy these greatly. But it seems there were none to be seen on Gail's route, so we'll have to make do instead with these Belted Galloways. Don't they look peaceful and contented? You might imagine they'd never heard of coronavirus...

Happy Nature Friday friends! Did you get an opportunity to rest this week?


  1. oh so great to see the little lambs and that fabulous galloways... we love all cows , they have something what makes us happy ;O)

  2. What fabulous countryside for a bike ride and we the furs on the Galloway cows! Oh yes, mom would never survive on our blog without PicMonkey! It does a great job erasing wrinkles and such.

  3. Hari OM
    BOL... oh dear Bertie lad, now my curiosity is piqued and I think we should get a look at the offending picture, just to make our own decision!!!

    Never mind. What is in offer is fabulous and I adore the Belted Galloway too! Well done Gail - thank you Bertie for encouraging it... and am anticipating a major zzzz catchup this arvo and then over the Easter break, as Mac1 is going to relieve me for three nights!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Bertie, that was very thoughtful of you to suggest Gail might like a nice bicycle ride, and in such lovely scenery.
    Yes thank you, I'vw had lots of opportunities to have a little snooze - especially when my human puts her feet up and reads her Kindle. She's been at home for so long now, I shall miss her when she has to leave me to go shopping and the gym again. I hope she'll remember that I always used to go with her when she met up with friends for coffee and a meal out. I sometimes got unexpected treats from strangers who thought I was lovely - I hope they haven't forgotten either!

  5. That's love from Inca of course!

  6. Our Mom is home all the time when life is normal, so it isn't much a of a change for us right now. We love the highland cattle too, but any cows are nice. Glad you got to rest while your Mom did the bike tour.

  7. BOL BOL BOL scary human pictures on your blog...
    Sometimes I wish my hair was as well groomed as Angel Madi's. She never ever need eye make up and her darlin' pink nose added color to her face better than my lip paint. Should anyone find that special soft ware to make humans permanently 25 let me know.
    Bertie I thank you for encouraging Gail to 'go out on a solo adventure. I know you must have been exhausted after all these weeks.
    The Highland cattle are beautiful. There are several farms in Chatham Co. NC who raise these breed. Sis of Madi used to call them Oreo Cows.
    Sending hugs and Easter wishes

  8. We love the nature pictures Gail found for your blog today Bertie. Those cows look like giant Oreo cookies. Yum!

  9. We REALLY need to get Mama a bicycle! Do you know both her and Daddy insist on taking us for multiple walks a week! Hopefully Daddy will get back to going into the office real soon!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. Hope you got in some much needed sleep. We can't sleep much during the day...have to watch HER in case SHE gets a snack and we're not there to LOOK at HER. Great nature shots. Love Belted Galloways….second only to those red, hairy Highlands.

  11. I'm wiff you Bertie. I am not gettin my mandatory nap time. Dis snoopervising takes a lot of energy.
    Pees..... I love da belted cows. Super cool.

  12. We love your walks. Whichever way you choose it is beautiful. Mommy wouldn't take a selfie if you hit her with a stick.

  13. What a cool ride Gail had...and good going getting her out of the house for a bit. Mom read an article that said all the owners need to leave their dogs even now for a bit so that they don't suffer separation anxiety when thing get back to normal. We won't get that, we just want to nap!

    Kiki and Rosie
