Tuesday 14 February 2012

All guns blazing for the Valentine Party

It has been a stressful week chez Bouncing Bertie.

Well, OK, buying flowers for my Valentine date Addy was easy enough.

But oh the problems I've been having over transport.

I just knew in my heart of hearts that my attempts to deploy a so-called 'Magic' Carpet to take Addy to the Valentine Party would not go well.  I fear that for a carpet to fly, an ability to suspend disbelief is required, and that is not a strong point in this household.  And then, worse, it dawned on me that my 'in case the magic fails' calculations for the solar panel additions had not allowed for the near total absence of sunlight in February in Northern Scotland...

Well, it turns out that every cloud - and we have many in Scotland - has a silver lining. I am delighted to tell you that Addy, being a spirited lass, was quite content to ditch the carpet, and thrilled to bits when she saw my back up transport plan.
(Thanks to Addy's Mom for the composite picture)

What a girl! Oh isn't it wonderful when you find a partner who is not only beautiful, in a unique and distinctive fashion, but is also a soul-mate. Do we not look the perfect couple?
(Thanks again Addy's Mom)

So here we are, finally on our way to the Blogville Valentine Party. It's going to be a blast....

P.S. Don't forget to visit Addy's blog later today to find out what happens next...


  1. Don't blame you at all for proceeding to the back up plan!! That will be a bullet-proof arrival!!! Have a great time!!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

  2. Thank God you've seen sense Bertie, mate! Hope the date goes well. Deccy x

  3. I am attending with Remington and if you see me could you just wave from across the room as I am scared of you now.

    licks and loveys Sasha

  4. At least we know you'll get there on time....you can blast straight through the traffic...BOL!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. You will look great arriving in that tank

  6. Me must say....your transport is a Blogville furst!

    Happy Valentines Day!

  7. Well Bertie, we Aunties did vote for the tank!
    You two make a lovely couple we must say and we are sure your date will go with a blast....!
    True love will show itself when you guys are down to your last bonio........will you let Addy have it, will you share or will you revert to your normal canine behaviour and fight for it!
    We liked the idea of a magic carpet and cannot see why there should be any problems - we have seen many a carpet fly.
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  8. STOP with the blast ~ every time you fire Jazzi pushes down harder on the accelerator. Jazzi has the pedal to the medal now in the vertible. I WANT TO LIVE. I surrender, see my white scarf blowing in the wind.
    Sweet William The Scot

  9. I am glad that you had a Plan B to revert to. So what you are sayin is.. You and Addy are gonna arrive with a BANG!!

    Watch out though... Sarge could give you a ticket fur excessive NOISE.

    See you at the Dance!!!

  10. Go Bertie Go!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day

    Buzzy McDuff and Pippa Posey

  11. Oh Bewtie
    I'm so happy you have found such an ageeabull as well as bootiful giwl to spend tyouw Valentine
    s day wif..she is unflappabull and bwave to get into youw altewnative mode of twanspawt
    huwwah fow hew
    see you at the pawty
    smoochie kisses

  12. Plan B worked perfectly Bertie. You and Addie make such an adorable couple too. Have fun a the V-Day party!!
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRD & Hootie

    PS- Maybe Sally Ann and I will see you there! WelshHugs,Hootie

  13. I surrendered, I waved my white scarf. Pardon me while I go lick my a** you shot me in the a** Bertie. Darn right I have issues.
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. A Fury Happy Valentine's Day!

    woos, Tessa

  15. Hey Bertie!
    Wow, that's one creative transport fur sure! I think you might have blown up the Rin Tin Tin statue in Blogville Park! Please watch where you point that crazy thing. Anyway, you and Addy look like you're have a blast (get it?!) together and I sure hope you don't blow up any buildings.
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  16. Way to go Bertie.
    Happy Vlentines Day!
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  17. hey Bertie,

    Pawsome! How cool that Addy was up for the tank! She is quite a catch! You two are the perfect couple, and look absolutely lovely together! Have a blast at the pawty!


  18. Bertie, we wanted you to know that we voted for you in the Adventure Animals category of MM. We find you extremely adventurous!

    -Bart and Ruby

  19. Good job on the transport, which as we recall is what Addy wanted all along. You do indeed make a handsome couple. We have one bone to pick, however: in the American flag, the stars part goes next to the flagpole. You have our flag reversed. Being as you are such good allies, you are forgiven.

    What's with your new security word system? It now has two words, and one of them is blotchy ink over a big ink blot. Mama can't see it. We know she's old, but a lot of your fans have elderly assistants. If we have to repeat type in three times, you're getting a shirty email.

    Jed & Abby
