Friday, 21 June 2019

No grey today!

Earlier in the week you saw pictures of my walk in Balmedie Country Park.

What I did not show you then was the bank of wildflowers blooming beside the brand new road junction - the Balmedie turn-off from the recently upgraded A90.

Gail insisted on finding a place to stop and tried to get me to "pose nicely" amid the poppies.

In all honesty I wasn't too keen. What you can't see on these photos is the proximity of a busy road with lots of heavy lorries thundering past. Also, the bank is rather steep, thus not a comfortable posing perch.

But I'll admit I too was impressed by the colourful display covering this recently disturbed ground. I do suspect that someone might have given 'nature' a helping hand here with a generous sprinkling of wildflower seeds.

Anyway, what a welcome sight it was, in our part of the world where the colour palette tends to grey even at mid-summer....

Happy Nature Friday folks! And once again a huge thank you to our wonderful friends, the LLB Gang, for hosting the blog hop.


  1. that was a super post to welcome summer... and we hope summer appears here too now ;O)

  2. You look very handsome amongst those pretty wild flowers, Bertie. Poppies are my human's favourites, along with sunflowers.

    Inca xx

  3. You look so handsome posing with the beautiful flowers, Bertie! Mom just loves those poppies!

  4. Hari OM
    Gracious Bertie lad, when I got the sneak peek earlier this week no mention was made of the preciptous climb or the risk from traffic... but it has to be said, I am jolly glad you and Gail both were pawpared to sop and act upon such a sight!!! It really is glorious. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Bertie jumpin' catfish what a display of wildflowers. You know me and red. You look outstanding....out standing in the field of posies. Thank Gail for stopping and I thank you for such a professional pose
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. That sure is a beautiful display of wild flowers. Thanks for braving the scary traffic to show them to us.

  7. Wow...What a pretty field of flowers Bertie! Of course, they don't even come close to comparing with your handsome WFT face!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. Happy Nature Friday and Happy First Day of Summer!!! That field is just so beautiful. Happy that you were able to pose for a lovely photo. They are very colorful. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

  9. We love wildflowers! So beautiful
    Mabel & Hilda

  10. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Those look lovely! Did they smell lovely too?

  11. But of course you are the loveliest (handsomest) of all!

  12. BEAUTIFUL poppies Bertie! I thinks you look most handsome on that hill ~ glads you got that FABulous shot!
    Ruby ♥

  13. So pretty! It is so nice that there is such beauty right next to a big highway, you were right to be careful!

    Your friend Kiki
