Tuesday, 23 April 2019

The heatwave proves elusive in NW Scotland...

So Gail and I were planning a spot of hillwalking in Torridon this Easter weekend, but I regret to report that the weather did not entirely cooperate.

While the rest of the UK was apparently basking in glorious sunshine and record breaking high temperatures, our far NW corner of the country was beset by low cloud and occasional drizzle. 

Of course that did not mean we stayed indoors, and lower level expeditions are also a good way to let off steam.

I even braved a paddle (front paws only, mind) in Loch Gaineamhach.
Gail reminded me once again that remote parts of the country with notoriously unreliable weather do have their plus sides.

After all which beach would you prefer?

Brighton beach (South Coast of England)
Or Ob a' Bràighe, Loch Torridon?

Oh and look, in that last photo, you can even see my shadow, just...

Was your Easter a good one?


  1. we would prefer your beach, of course! we had sunshine last weekend but today we have egg-sactly your weather...but it's not bad after all... not much bikers when we have rain ;O)

  2. Your beach is far more beautiful and peaceful than Brighton, Bertie. We've have been having way too much rain. Mom needs so badly to cut the grass and it's not happening today either.

  3. Bertie the next to the last photo of you and your glorious WFT tail is my utmost favorite...hands down!!! I am not a fan of crowds so Beach of Bertie would be my choice.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. PS I meant to say OMDs we don't have trees on our beaches like you do...how unique

  5. Hari om
    Bertie lad, your beach wins, paws down!!! It was very peaceful down here and quite warm. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

    1. The thermometer logged 25 degrees C as we drove back through Elgin yesterday afternoon!

    2. Around 22, 23 in NSW, buf having landed last eve in SA, it is rather cooler!!! Yxx

  6. Your beach is perfect Bertie. It looks like you had a great time despite the cool weather.

  7. Yes, Bertie, we would opt for the less crowded beach - more room to run and explore. We had some nice weather, not too hot yet, but for some reason, Mother Nature sent some cooler weather back today.

    Hope you get some nicer weather for your next expedition.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. We think you and Gail made the perfect choice Bertie. We say the same thing about living way up here on the north coast of California...we may not have the warmth, but we don't have the crowds or traffic they have either :-)
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. You did pick the pawfect beach to spend your day.
    Way too many people at the other one

  10. Oh, I likes your beach tons better Bertie! If you wants a heatwave, come on overs...butts the blower on our AC unit died, so Ma is sitting in a 85 degree house right now wondering what happened to Spring! sigh. Anyhu, can I come overs??? It's just too hot here...
    Ruby ♥
