Friday, 25 June 2021

Nature Friday revenge...

I bet you would be annoyed, as I was, if your owner spent the sunny part of the day cycling with her Thursday morning 'girls' and only took you out to look for some Nature Friday inspiration later on, when it had started raining.

To compound my irritation, when I spotted a fine display of cuckoo flower (aka Lady's Smock) Gail seemed hesitant to follow me along the overgrown path to where she could photograph the delicate lilac blooms close up.

Her excuse was that she had noticed an abundance of stinging nettles beside the path and she was still wearing her cycling shorts.

Of course us WFTs have furs designed specially for romping through undergrowth unscathed, and remembering how I'd earlier that day been abandoned in favour of the bicycle, I put my paw down and insisted Gail follow me with her camera (phone), nettles or no nettles.

Did you know that the cuckoo flower is so called because its first blooms reliably coincide with the arrival of the bird itself each spring?

Cuckoo flowers are common round these parts, but that doesn't, I think, mean they're not a pleasing sight.

Gail's red and blotchy nettle stung calves are a less attractive proposition, and so I'll spare you any photos of those...  

Happy Nature Friday Friends! Do go and visit the other posts in the LLB Gang's blog hop.


  1. shorts and da nettles are no good mix and we wonder why the mama wants no furry legs... it would help her a lot in summer

  2. Oh Bertie, what a hoot - good for you! Gail will think twice before she leaves you on a sunny day to go out with her cycling pals!

    Inca xx

  3. Hari OM
    ... and will also, pawhaps, consider changing legwear prior to attending your exercise outing!!! Anyhoo - well done you and the efforts I would say are well worth the discomfort. Especially as it is not your handsome self that is in any such... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Our moms will do just about anything for us, right? The flowers are pretty and we had no idea they have anything to do with the bird itself.

  5. WTG, Bertie my WFT...revenge is sweet so that say or in Gail's case stingy. Cuckoo flowers are gorgeous and quite delicate. I will ask GiGi Google if we have them in USofA.
    Happy weekend
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. on my legs are stinging just thinking of gails legs.. owie for sure. you are looking sooooo cute in the green stuff and glad you are not stung. how about a basket for you to ride in on the front of the bike? we have a lady riding in our town like that

  7. Those are such pretty flowers, Bertie. We're glad you insisted on Gail getting your picture while you were sitting among them.

  8. The cuckoo flowers are just beautiful and you look so handsome sitting pretty for your picture, Bertie! Mom has been stung by nettles before and it's not pleasant.

  9. Such a great time of year for flowers. Oscar meanwhile is obsessed with squirrels on the canal - everything else is filtered out!

  10. Hi friend, Ojo here! I don't mind the rain! I will zoom around in any weather! You can send your rain to me, especially since it is HOT here again at our little house. Those are very pretty flowers you found! Too bad about the nettles.

  11. What beautiful flowers Bertie! Totally worth a few nettle stings for Gail. I mean she DID leave you at home for the sunny part of the day, right??
    Arty and the Gang

  12. Your mom should know you would never lead her to danger.

  13. Interesting about the Cuckoos flowers. And we feel a few nettle stings are payment for being callously abandoned.

  14. Effleurage stings hurt!
    Lee and Phod who lost their reading list in the transition to Lady's new email.

  15. The flowers are super pretty but those nettles sound not very nice. But we appreciate the lovely photos for sure!

    Rosie and Redford
