Friday, 4 September 2020

Never a dull moment?

For today's Nature Friday I want to bring you some typical late summer weather from Torridon. Lively and changeable, it keeps you on your toes. 

Not exactly a case of 'never a dull moment', but often more interesting than watching the telly! (Not that we have a TV here, just to make it quite clear to the TV Licensing authorities. We don't want any more of those nasty letters threatening to put Gail in prison for non-payment...)

I digress.

All the photos below were taken from approximately the same spot, just outside the front gate of our cottage. 

Oh and one more thing.  We have a sort of bonus extra today, a montage of the pretty flowers still in bloom in the cottage garden. And taking centre stage, a rose for Rosy of course! 

Thanks once again to Arty, Jakey, Rosy and Sunny for hosting the Nature Friday blog hop. Do now visit the other posts and enjoy! 


  1. and your Gail even found the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow... it has 4 legs and is a whft ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    OMD Bertie lad, you and Gail have excelled on this NF!!! Outstanding... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Bertie, what a beautiful part of the world - do you sometimes wish you lived there all the time?
    Beautiful flowers too - it looks like Paradise.

    Inca xx

  4. What stunning skies and such beautiful flowers!

  5. Oh Bertie....................the front panoramic vista from the front of your Cottage is just breathtaking. I sure am glad you didn't ask us to pic a favorite. Oh to be able to see those view all the day long. Your Scottish posies are pretty too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Oh, that montage of flowers is just gorgeous!!! And such a lovely rose for Rosy!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. Wow Bertie, the weather certainly makes for some stunning pictures, and those flowers...WOW!! Thanks so much for the beautimous Rose!!

  8. All that beauty at your front gate...BLISS. Doesn't matter the weather, actually the changes just enhance it!

  9. The rainbow was most excellent and better than any tv!

  10. Holy Cow Patties! What a FABulous view you gots there Bertie! And your garden blooms are most beautifuls!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  11. That sure is some changeable weather you have. We love that rainbow picture. Your flowers are so pretty too.

  12. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! The weather changes here too just like that, very fast! Except we're on a mountaintop and you're by the water. Is it hot there? Or cold?

  13. Such crazy changes in the weather you have there! Never a dull moment, we assume!And the flowers made us smile...

    Kiki and Rosie
