Friday, 3 May 2019

A nearly perfect woodland walk...

May is a lovely month for a woodland ramble, don't you agree? 

Trees newly in leaf, so fresh and green, the undergrowth delicately dotted with violets, wood sorrel and anemones. 

Yesterday Gail and I went exploring the woods in the grounds of Crathes Castle. It's been a while since we were last there but I distinctly recall there used to be some excellent muddy sections, soft on the paws and beautifully squelchy.

How disappointing then, to find that nowadays the path follows boring boardwalks over all the boggy bits. 

Gail seems to think it a "good thing" that my paws were still relatively clean at the end of the walk.

But I cannot agree. 

Happy Nature Friday friends! And once again thank you so much to the Rosy and the LLB gang for hosting the blog hop.


  1. aah humans who cover the best parts of the way with a boardwalk...tststs...

  2. Hari om
    Bertie lad, to have traversed such ground without belly mud, never mind clean paws, must be some kind of victory! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. What a beautiful woodland walk but they took away all of your fun, Bertie!

  4. We would jump off the bridge into the mud and our mom would have a fit! Pretty area there.

  5. Bertie what a lovely walk and I must say I agree with Gail on the footbridge. Maybe next time you can at least find a puddle out in the field.
    I like all your poses especially the last one...
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. That sure looks like a lovely place for a walk. At least if your paws don't get muddy you won't need a bath.

  7. Mom thinks this is the prettiest time of the year. She doesn't like the snow and cold like we do. But we do agree that is a super place to go exploring, Bertie.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Hahaha, boggy bits! My mom is going to start using that expression because in my park, there are so many "boggy bits" and I get filthy! You do have some very special walks, we love seeing them!

    Your friend Kiki

  9. No squelching through the mud...that is a bit of a let down!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty
