Friday, 7 September 2018

Fungi Friday with Fun Guy Bertie!

Is is acceptable to sneak onto a 'Flower Friday' blog hop with a bunch of photos of toadstools?

I'm saying yes, 'cos, biologically speaking, mushrooms are all about reproduction, and so might be considered the fungal world's flower equivalent. And no Gail, that is not "pushing it a bit"!

Anyway, most of our wildflowers are now well past their peak, whereas over the past few weeks the woods and fields in Northern Scotland have been erupting with fungi of all shapes and sizes and levels of palatability. Let me tell you, Gail has been picking and eating so many chanterelles this year, there is a real danger she might turn yellow.

Happy Fungus Friday folks!


  1. we will have not much funghis nor mushrooms this year because of the hot and dry summer... butt we hope the stores have some canned ones for us ;O)

  2. hari om
    OMD Bertie lad, that is an impressive show of shrooms!!! Am equally impressed with Gail's identification of edibles. YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Oh yes - mushrooms are absolutely acceptable, Bertie. We posted a pic of one too! We love mushrooms but we have never seen a red one.

  4. Bertie bravo bravo bravo for such a beautimous display of fungi and RED! OMCs
    FYI: girlz love fun guyz who make them smile and show them purrty fungis
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. We love your Fungus Friday. You sure found lots of different kinds.

  6. Wow, are those all edible? I would be terrified to pick something that looked like a mushroom and eat it. Your Mom must be really, really smart about this stuff.

    1. Gail says: the only ones I eat are the chanterelles - the bright yellow ones in photo #8.

  7. Wow, that is quite the myriad of mushrooms!!! The neighbor across the cul-de-sac had some humongous mushrooms growing in his front lawn due to all the rain here. Mom was hoping to get a pic of them for our post today, but the mowing service chopped them all up yesterday:(

    Have a fun day, Fun Guy!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. WOW! the mushrooms are bountiful. SHE loves mushrooms BUT would never try to eat any SHE found! Actually we haven't had enough rain for them anyway.

  9. Hi Bertie!
    I'm Scooter and I live in Sarge's house now. Great to meet you. My peeps are drooling over your edible shrooms. Those photos are really fun. Lots of shapes and colors.
