
Tuesday 22 December 2020

Neighbourhood Christmas news in 2020...

So on Sunday afternoon I accompanied Gail on her annual short walk around the neighbourhood to deliver local Christmas cards. I donned my Nordic pullover in an endeavour to inject some (Gail said much needed) festive cheer into the proceedings.

It worked! A few paces up the road we ran into our friend Yvonne's daughter Leah. She stopped and admired my attire. I take this as a high compliment 'cos Leah is these days a very chic young lady,  home for Christmas from her Paris-based job. Leah looked puzzled when Gail expressed hope that she would get back to France OK in the New Year. We think she'll by now have heard the news about the new Covid variant and the borders closing.

Just around the corner, we handed a card to our elderly friend Martin, who was twiddling with the fairy lights in his front garden. Martin's wife has a lung condition and has been shielding all year, and this sociable pair will not be hosting their usual Hogmanay party. Neither will anyone else it seems, at least not legally. 

A little further on, we felt a bit sad to pass the entrance to the house which used to belong to Max and Ros, a lovely couple who moved away to Ilkley in Yorkshire earlier in the year. By now it was 3:30 pm and getting dark. The new residents have done a fine job with their decorations (that's the house pictured above) but we miss Max and Ros. Gail had hoped we could visit them back in the summer. Maybe 2021...

Finally we saw a neighbour whom we won't name. He was loading up presents to deliver to his two beloved grandchildren who live about 150 miles away in Peebles. He shouldn't really be doing this according to our latest restrictions, but he assured Gail he was handing over the presents in his daughter's front garden, and would not enter their house. 

It took well over an hour to complete this newsy half mile walk, and on returning home we reflected on the odd times in which we now live.    


  1. we understand your neighbourwhowantstostayanonymos... to send your gifts via parcel ends with frustration... we still wait... maybe till easter... sigh...

  2. That was a nice walk around the neighbourhood, Bertie, and you look very smart in that lovely Nordic pullover.
    It's so sad that families can't be together over Christmas and New Year, but your naughty neighbour is wrong to ignore the restrictions - they are there to help keep everyone safe.

    Inca xx

  3. Your look so handsome in your sweater with the Christmas lights behind you, Bertie.

  4. A lot of people seem to be driving long distances to hand over presents through car windows. Can it be that they really do this ? Or, do they pop in for a wee blether ?

  5. Hari OM
    To drive to Peebles and back in one day to deliver pressies makes your neighbour a true Santa!!! (Though talk of police 'interactions' might have given him pause for thought...)

    Bertie lad, it's all a bit surreal, isn't it? And there was no viewing of celestial events last night for reasons pawssibly you alone can fully understand!!! Of course, by midnight, every star in the sky could be seen. Just not the planetary pairing. Sigh... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Clear skies in Aberdeen right now, so I have hopes for this evening...

  6. What a lovely way to spread a bit of Christmas cheer (and to receive some). Merry Christmas, Bertie and Gail.

  7. we live a billion miles from you and we know what you meant about the girl getting back to Paris. the first thing we saw at 5 am news this morning was the mess of trucks, cars and other vehicles backed up at the border and having to be in freezing temps, cooking in their cars some of them. beats me why they were all out on the road.
    Bertie you look smashing in your pullover which is my favorite color. Gail turned your afternoon walk into spreading cheer... I do hope 2021 will be better than this year has been.. without you and all my blog friends it would have been intolerable.

  8. It is a strange. Heist as, with unclear restrictions at times and very clear ones. May the vaccine woke in all strains and may be be back to a fuller life soon!

  9. Dearest Bertie and Gail thank you for the lovely walk around your beautiful neighborhood. What a lovely home where your are so handsomely posing in your Nordic sweater/jumper. I'm glad you were able to visit with a few beloved neighbors to check on their status and wish them well. Dang it does anyone in the UK know how the new variant of C19 found its way to the UK? I hope and purr you all remain safe in your and happy
    Sending loads of hugs Cecilia

  10. I'm sure everyone was immensely cheered by seeing such a dapper WFT out and about. Well done, and stay safe!

  11. It's great meeting up with neighbours. Especially now. We usually see people in the evenings when everyone is out gardening.

  12. We think it is wonderful that you and Gail got out and enjoy your neighborhood while delivering cards! We are trying hard to keep our Holiday Spirit in check, when this pandemic keeps making it harder and harder to keep some traditions alive!

  13. That sounds like a lovely walk you and Gail took, Bertie. You sure look handsome in your jumper.

  14. Golly Bertie, you really do look very handsome in that sweater! Maybe I should allow mum to put woollies on me instead of biting her hand ferociously when she tries...Hope you and Gail have a waggy Christmas! Lots of love, Findlay xx

  15. Yes, it is a very strange year and a tough Christmas to have to celebrate without family:( We are doing our best to keep Mom and Dad's spirits up - it was sad today to see them exchanging gifts with one of our human sister, her husband and two of the grandsons. Here's to 2021 coming soon along with worldwide vaccinations.

    Stay safe with Gail and have a nice Christmas Day.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. It's wonderful that you have so many friends in the neighborhood. I'm glad that Bertie's sweater cheered things up! What an odd year.
