
Sunday 20 December 2020

A quick trip west

So last week at short notice* Gail and I made an overnight trip to the Torridon cottage to check on the how the renovation work is going. 

Let's see how things are looking inside.

In what Gail says is the year's least surprising news, progress is, well it is progressing, but somewhat slower than she'd hoped...

What can I say? My sofa is still stacked against the wall in the downstairs bedroom, and there is dust and rubble everywhere...

I'm pleased to report that at least the view from the front garden is unchanged.

On the way back to Aberdeen we stopped off at the grand but also dog-friendly Coul House Hotel for a bite to eat.

The nice man on reception saw Gail taking my photo...

... and decided she too needed to practice her 'pose nicely please' stance.

*Gail says: A new set of Covid-related restrictions for Aberdeen, banning non-essential travel outside of our local area, was announced on Tuesday and came into effect on Friday. So I made haste over to the Torridon cottage for a quick visit, not knowing when our ever changing rules will allow me (and Bertie) across to the west coast again. So hard to plan anything at the moment. Sigh...


  1. Hari om
    Bertie lad, not just hard, it's near impawssible! I must catch up on news...been a bit slack on that the past few days. And that as much work as has been done, given the state of play these days, is pawhaps something to be applauded. You and Gail look grand in that lovely hall. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Cheer up Bertie, just think how fabulous it's all going to be when the work is finally finished, and you get your sofa back again and you can snooze in front of the fire!
    When my human told me about the new restrictions she'd read for Aberdeen, we both immediately thought of you and Gail, so are glad that you managed another trip to Torridon. It's such a beautiful place, we don't think we'd ever want to leave - except to go shopping for food of course!

    Inca xx

  3. It's frustrating but it's coming along slowly but surely, Bertie. Your view from the front garden is just beautiful!

  4. who needs a cottage when you have that view. WOW! that is one gorgeous garden you have. so glad to see you and Gail together, a wonderful place for the background. we just saw on tv that UK and S Africa have a new virus variant. stay save and sorry you will not be able to visit again soon.. it will be beautiful when done. will this be a second home? or will you live there? since i am fairly new to your blog I don't know many details.

    1. Hi Sandra, the cottage is a 'retreat' that I've owned for 18 years. No plans to live there full time, but I do hope to use it more once the upgrade is complete. Cheers, Gail.

  5. Even though the progress isn't as fast as you hoped it looks like things are coming along. We can't wait to see it all done. That looks like a very lovely place to stop for a meal especially since you were allowed inside too.

  6. The view ❤️❤️❤️ Our province is locking down again on Christmas Day as they know we will be seeing others. At least we have lots of notice (and essentials will remain open).

  7. Bertie and Gail you have my sympathy on renovations and dust and mess. I spy a new tub I think!! Whew everything crossed on your next visit it will be closer to finished and Bertie's beloved couch in place.
    That is one fine view you have from you cottage.
    Thank the reception man for getting a selfies of you and Gail.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We hope the tradesmen live locally in Torridon and don't need to worry about travel. Well....the cottage renovations are underway. Hope your lockdown isn't too long and does the trick. We've just had another outbreak in Sydney. So lockdown underway there. We're unaffected luckily. Love the hotel....especially the dog friendly bit.

  9. The view from the garden is delightful, Bertie, especially with you in it:)

    We heard about all the new changes - that virus is getting scarier all the time.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. We pray that the contractors pick up their game and get to work.

  11. Your garden view is so lovely! We are sorry that you are going into restrictions soon, we are probably not far behind here too. Sigh.
    But we can all try to have a happy holiday.

    Your friend Rosie

  12. I love your view. What a setting! I can commiserate about the dust. Whew - we just got to our new place where work is underway and the dust is overwhelming! I hope that the work speeds up for you!
