
Friday 2 December 2016

Sammy flies to Torridon


Today I am delighted to have globe trotter Sammy the Onespoiledcat come over to visit me in Torridon, my favourite part of Scotland. 

I am going to offer him a choice of activities. 

Perhaps he would like to join me on an ascent of MY mountain, Beinn Alligin? (You know, of course, that my 'proper' Kennel Club name is Granddach Beinn Alligin.)

It does look like there is quite a bit of snow on the summit just now. If Sammy has forgotten his ice axe and crampons, he might prefer to laze around in the garden of my cottage, overlooking Loch Torrridon. It is a tranquil and beautiful spot, and catches the sun, even in winter.

What do you think Sammy?


  1. It's lovely to meet you, Bertie. You live in a lovely place.

  2. If we were Sammy, we'd just settle for a spot of sunbathing in your beautiful garden.
    Bertie, that is a very impressive Kennel Club name. However you'll gasp when you hear that Petite-Chose is actually (take a deep breath) "All Things Bright and Beautiful of Tintagel Winds Labradors" ! Imagine writing all that on your passport application form !

    Love from Petite-Chose and Inca xx

  3. Hari om
    Definitely worth a visit! Though I too would take the garden option! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. It looks beautiful where you live, Bertie.

  5. When can we come to visit???

    Mara, Brom and Miss Oswin from Norway

  6. we are thinking he would probably enjoy being curled up by the fire just enjoying the view

  7. Bertie a trip to Torridon is Purrfect. I bet dollars to doughnuts Sammy decided to go to the top of Beinn Alligin...You know he has his own snow shoes...he is polydactyl and if there was extra time the low lands were purrfect too he loves roaming in grass.
    Bertie thank you for joining us.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. You live in a beautiful spot, Bertie!

  9. The Trip to Torridon is a GRRRREAT choice fur Sammy. He may never want to leave.

  10. You will have some view in that balloon
    Lily & Edward

  11. What a lovely trip ! You live in a beautiful area, Bertie. Purrs

  12. What beautiful countryside Bertie. One of my Mom and Dad's favorite trips was to visit Scotland. Your area is beyond gorgeous. Thanks for letting me fly over today - it was nice to meet you....I appreciate you being part of my farewell flyover.

    Love, Angel Sammy

  13. We think Torridon, Sammy being a cat and there being lots of chances for sun puddles!

  14. I bet Sammy loved your choices.

  15. Bertie - Unusual to see 'flying' ( in any sense ) and Torridon in the same sentence.

  16. What a choice! I reckon Sammy is game for the climb, don't you? :-)
