
Monday 5 December 2016

Bertie has been thinking about his friends...

An Ode to Blogging Friendships

I read about you almost every day.
From countless photographs I recognise
The angle of your tail when you feel joy;
The precise set of your anxious ears;
Your food-expectant head tilt.

Although you live a world away,
I’m confident that I could navigate
From your front door
Directly to your well-worn comfy bed, or better yet
Your kitchen where the treat jar sits.

Your daily routines, though different from mine,
Are quite familiar now to me.
There is more sunshine where you live (most probably).
But then my park, I think, has fewer rules than yours,
For dogs, that is.

For all the fun we share when life is sweet,
There are those other times
When you are injured, ill, or nameless terrors strike.
And then I yearn to help you, but
Feel at a loss.

We’re old friends, are we not (though never met)?
Our lives are now entangled, in
A precious world wide web of friendship,
An unanticipated bond.

PS Thank you to all who have expressed concern about my paws. They are feeling much better and I do believe I set a record for the circuit around Loch Kinord on Sunday morning.


  1. Oooh Bertie - that's a lovely poem, thank you from us, even though we don't have a blog. You are such a lucky boy to have beautiful scenery to walk through.
    Glad your paws are much better. Take care and keep warm.

    Petite-Chose and Inca xx

  2. Hari OM
    Bertie lad, you have excelled yourself. My heart sang along with your words. See you on the morrow &*> Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I luffs it Bertie, what a pawsome poem!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. That's lovely Bertie and so very true. I often receive confused looks from friends who I know in "real life" when I speak of my blogging friends. It's a bond like no other and you have to experience it to fully understand it.

  5. That's delightful and truly beautiful Bertie. Thank you so much for sharing those lovely words.

  6. Bertie bless your sweet little WFT heart..what a beautiful Ode to friends. We feel the exact way and you know when my peeps met some of my furry friends at the BAR last year she HAD to remind herself not to rush up and hug..cause they really didn't know her even though she knew them. BUT she did hug their peeps and later she rubbed lots of fur.
    Thank Gail for helping you with this post
    and kitty kisses to your very busy paws we are glad they are doing well.
    Hugs madi your bfff who would never ever destroy a tree. My predecessor Milky-Way was known to sit in the tree once or twice. The first 2 years he was here the peeps put the tree up several days in advance w/o decorations just to let him get exploring out of his system and mom put a bell ornament on the bottom of the limb when she heard it ring she new trouble was brewing. Eventually he realized the bell was mom's pawlice
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. What a pawsome poem Bertie- thank you for sharing your ode. Glad to hear that your paws are getting better too - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  8. that was a wonderful poem... and I'm glad your paws are better too... you could type such fabulous words, they must be much better, right?

  9. What a lovely poem, and so true! Our blogging buddies are true friends!

  10. The friends gained in Blogville are furever! Thanks for being a pawsome friend, Bertie!

  11. SO glad that your Paws are Better..

    OMD that was the Bestest Poem EVER... you truly SAID IT ALL... and BEAUTIFULLY.

  12. Oh Bertie you are quite talented
    Lily & Edward

  13. Your poem sums up Blogville to a Tee. SHE often starts a story with...we know a dog in......

  14. A beautiful poem Bertie! You should frame it on the fridge! We are glad your paw is better too.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. What a wonderful poem Bertie - Bravo! It is a special community of very special furiends indeed
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. What a lovely Poem! And so very true. It's hard to explain how furiends who haven't met, or live so separated could be so close. Yet we are the bestest furiends right here in Blogville.

  17. What a beautiful poem Bertie, it says it all!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. Dear Bertie,

    Beautiful poem, friend! I am glad you are my blogging pen-pal! Also I am glad your paws are better!


  19. Bertie, what a grand poem. I think you might be flying down the pathways, not running, because I don't see your paws touching the ground. So glad those paws are feeling better.

  20. Bertie we do love you loads and it is a pleasure to read your adventures.

  21. That is a pawsome poem! We love it very much. And you & Gail.

    Wag on,
    Tootsie, your doggy god-mom
