
Sunday 6 November 2016

Guy Fawkes Night in Alligin

My predecessor Hamish the Westie hated fireworks with a vengeance and so would noisily and at length object to the traditional 5th November Guy Fawkes Night celebrations. Me, I've never had a problem with all those whizzes and bangs and so was happy to accompany Gail to Inveralligin yesterday evening, where between heavy showers, the rituals of an old fashioned Bonfire Night were being observed.

What the pictures don't capture are the echoes of the rockets reverberating around the mountains, the speckled reflections of the fireworks on the waters of Loch Torridon, and the whisky-fuelled conviviality of the locals huddled together in the nearby shelter.

The one bit I didn't like was the dark walk home to the cottage, finding our way along the rough wet track with only Gail's failing wind-up torch for illumination. I stumbled a couple of times and thought I might have been carried, but no such luck...


  1. Bertie not only are you handsome, smart and funny you are a very brave WFT!! Oh dear you tried you best for a lift but being dark as it was Gail probably thought it safest for you to be on the ground.Thank goodness you both made it home. Hey I meant to ask how your paws did during your trek to/from Switzerland? And also how is HGma
    Hugs madi your bfff

  2. You are very brave. We're not frightened of fireworks....not that we have many or have been to an event, but we bark at them....loudly.

  3. I like the photo of your fuzziness in front of the bonfire!

    -Otto's mom

  4. PeeeeS: Otto is in the kitchen helping his dad make salmon jerky. I needs to snooper vise....

  5. We've never been to a bonfire, Bertie, so we think you're very brave. We do have fireworks in the town near to us sometimes, but we only see them from a long way away, in our garden.
    Did you get any whisky or nice treats?

    Petite-Chose and Inca xx

  6. Yo are such a brave guy, Bertie...Not only were you not phased by the fireworks...but there was the icky, wet rain too!! We would have never made it out of the front door!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. P.S.
    Bertie - what you need is a headlight, like ones they wear when they go down into caves. Our peep has one and she wears it when we go walks in the dark.

  8. Hari OM
    Well at least it was all on the correct night. Here in Duh Nuun, they's been hissin' an' a-spittin' since last Thursday. A few blasts went off again this evening. No excuse of weather. We've had some kind of faeriness going on this weekend. Sunshine and half-way warm. Crazy I tellz ya. Anyhoo. Past bedtime. Hope you and Gail have a safe drive home. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. I am not so bothered by fireworks either. Pretty sure my assistant would have tripped on that dark walk home.

  10. the mama always wanted to go to a guy fawkes night... guess what? she can go to see the firework and I stay with you :o)

  11. I don't remember much about England but guy fawkes night/bonfire night is one of them :)

  12. Woohoo I have Wi-Fi in the boonies at my B&B. Oh Bertie I can see a Bonfire going and I hear shooting but I am not going out to see what it is about. I don't mind fireworks at all but perhaps now I will hide. Gunpowder Plot might be the KKK here.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  13. Bertie, you're a brave lad. Millie is thankful that we don't celebrate Guy Fawkes Night in California; her least favorite day of the year is the Fourth of July.
