
Tuesday 8 November 2016

But what about ME!

To start with I was being patient when Gail insisted on taking loads of non-Bertie shots over in Torridon at the weekend...

It was all: "Oh Bertie, just look at trees glowing burnished gold in the late autumn light, the rainbow arching over the loch, the sprinkling of new snow topping the mountains, the handsome stag auditioning for a Landseer painting, oh and wow more rainbows ..."

...but enough is enough, frankly one can only put up with so much of this kind of thing, and I had to bounce over to remind her of the importance of 'foreground interest'...

Now this is more like it. 

[Gail and I did wonder if maybe we should be posting some photos of the less attractive corners of Scotland today, 'cos we heard that if a certain D.Trump loses a certain election on the other side of the Pond, then he is planning to spend more time in this country, and I'll be straight with you, we really don't want him here, ruining our glorious wild landscape with more of his hideous hotels and pesticide-drenched golf courses.]

P.S. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to contribute valuable data for my latest research project. I am currently analysing all the fascinating information provided, and will be presenting my Pee-hD thesis within the next two weeks.

P.P.S. Eight years ago, my wise predecessor Hamish the Westie posted this:


  1. Wowsers Bertie...the last picture with you in the foreground is our most favorite...although Mama is pretty fond of the rainbows too!

    We can't wait to see the results of your study!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    PeeEss..Don't forget to head over to Phod's to Paw Your Blogville Vote today.

  2. Those are beautiful photos, Bertie - Gail is an accomplished photographer. However, we must say that the last two, with your good self to the fore, are magnificent. Is that snow we see on the hill in the last one?
    Petite-Chose and Inca xx

    1. It is snow. And more is forecast for today.

  3. The photos are gorgeous, but you would have added that touch of class, Bertie.

    Hopefully, the Scottish weather will not be to Trump's liking. Our newscasters, who are in the US said that they found the Trump souvenirs were discounted 50%.

  4. ooooh that are beautiful photos... I love the one of you in front of the mountains... that's the best! ...and that double rainbow is great... now you can find two pots of gold :o)

  5. Hari OM
    Ooooh Bertie lad, you know I's all agog, having just been up that way so recently. It surely can put on a show, regardless of climate - are pawhaps because of it! The scene is certainly enhanced by your presence though.

    Ugh, do we need to pawtishun the Scottish Govt to put an embargo on the Donald in order to Trump his plans of immigrating??!!! (why am I shuddering...... ) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. WFTs front and center - those are our favorites! (we do like the stag!)

  7. Glad to see your face is in there somewhere!

  8. That certainly is a very handsome photo of you Bertie :) Milo & Jet

  9. We definitely agree with you that shots with you in them are infinitely superior. But we must say that furst shot of the rainbow is gawjuss!

  10. Wow Bertie - those are such beautiful photos of Scotland. Of course the ones with you in them had a certain extra special look but we do love the rainbows. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  11. Beautiful photos, Bertie!

    And don't worry, we don't like the Cheeto man...she's got our vote. I think he's been so awful that his hotels are hurting... so maybe he won't be building any more any time soon.

  12. Bertie - shots without you ? Shocking.

  13. Gail, your photos are stunning, including those with a certain disgruntled WFT.

  14. Beautiful photos ! The landscape is gorgeous ! Purrs

  15. Bertie OMCs we did miss seeing your hamdsome WFT face first thing but WOW those vistas and rainbows are gorgeous!! That deer is magnificent too.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  16. Wow, beautiful photos! And don't you worry, she did not forget about you!
    Hehe you look gorgeous in the last two photots. Just like a model :)

    Thankk you for sharing with us!


  17. While Gails pics are pretty they cant even compare to my most handsome Bertie!!!! Love the pics of you


  18. I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

  19. Gail takes gorgeous photos, Bertie but certainly the very best feature you. The new header photo is also very striking.

  20. Dear Bertie,

    Wow, beautiful photos! My favourite is the one with you in front of the mountain! You are very handsome! What a beautiful place!

    Also we like your cover photo.

    Happy exploring!

