
Friday 12 November 2021

Going, going, gone...

During our morning walk in Duthie Park, over the past month Gail and I have been monitoring the leaves on our favourite sycamore tree.

OK, strictly speaking, she has been doing the monitoring and I have mostly been busy sniffing around in the bushes, only briefly emerging to appear in the photos. 

If I feel like it. 

'Cos I'm a terrier and that's how I roll. 

10 October 2021

30 October 2021

10 November 2021

Happy Nature Friday! Thanks once again to our lovely friends Rosy, Arty, Sunny and Jakey, for hosting the blog hop. Do go and visit the other posts - you won't regret it! 


  1. we have lots of half-nekked trees too... we wonder why the trees take their clothes off when it is cold outside...

  2. Da leaves are fallin' here, too... but none of da trees is all nekkid yet.

  3. That's so sad, Bertie. We have some trees that are slowly losing their leaves, which just curl up and go brown, then drop off. They don't go the stunning colours yours do, but that's because we don't have frosts.
    My human took me to the vet yesterday because she was worried about something she'd noticed about one side of my face. The vet said that I have had a stroke, and now I have some tablets, then I have to go back next week. He says that it isn't serious but now my human is very careful, but I do get lots more kisses and hugs! She's cut down on the treats I get for being a good, even though I'm still being a very good girl!

    Inca xx

    1. Dear Inca,
      We are so very sorry to hear you've had a stroke, and are sending a ton of hugs and kisses all the way down to Spain to help your recovery. Too bad about the treats as we know that you're always a very good girl, but we also know your human will only be doing what's best for you. How about you try thinking of the tablets as a new kind of treat?
      Much love,
      Gail and Bertie.

    2. Thank you for the hugs and kisses. My human wants you to know that I'm still full of beans and raring to go!

      Lots of love,
      Inca xx and Carol, her human.

  4. What a beautiful tree and now it's bare for the winter months but the leaves will be back in the spring.

  5. Trees her in Wales are surprisingly still in leaf - but the winds will see to that this weekend I expect.
    Oscar not very happy on the beach yesterday - strewn with dead seal pups too ... sad.

    1. Gail says. How sad indeed about the seals. But I regret to say that Bertie might regard a beach strewn with dead seal pups as a wonderful opportunity to smear himself in an appealing (to him only) new fragrance...

  6. Hari OM
    Bertie lad, I commend Gail on her observational photography - a delight made all the better for your presence in them! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. BOL BOL BOL Bertie of course that is how a bouncing WFT rolls. You are all business when on a smell mail walk. I love the photos and it looks like you had some pretty sunrises.
    Hugs cecilia

  8. We enjoyed seeing the transformation of the tree and of course seeing you enjoying a sniff around it. Most of our leaves are down now too.

  9. What a beautiful tree! We had a big wind storm last night that blew a lot of leaves out of our trees.

  10. Wow! From beautiful to gone in a blink of an eye!
    Rosy and the Gang

  11. That was quick! We like your style….terriers rule!

  12. You better call for help. Someone stole all the pretty leaves off that tree!

  13. That is very interesting to see the transitions...things are almost done here too, though we did have some great walks this weekend!

    Rosie and Redford
