
Wednesday 29 September 2021

'Comfort break' issues...

We are in Torridon this week. The weather has been, at best, 'changeable', and I shall leave you to guess whether or not we made it home from this short walk without getting  wet.

Gail drove us across from Aberdeen on Monday.  I'm afraid the trip takes longer than it used to. Gone are the times when I could travel all day without needing to get out for a pee. Now I require a 'comfort break' every hour or so when on the road. Something in the motion of the car makes me feel like I must empty my bladder, even if it is nearly empty already. Gail has tried giving me a thicker cushion to dampen the vibration from the road, which is nice but doesn't seem to make much difference.

I feel a bit guilty about slowing up our car journeys, but Gail points out that as she gets older she knows an increasing number of humans, both male and female, who suffer from similar 'increases in frequency' when out and about. At least, she says, it is socially acceptable for a dog to relieve himself pretty much anywhere so long as it is not indoors...


  1. No worries, Bertie, and I bet you had some fabulous scenery to look at on some of your comfort stops.
    Have a good time in Torridon.

    Inca xx

  2. Bertie should meet my father in law - he's long lost the worry of where he goes as well - any bush will do!

    1. Gail replies: I have older cycling friends for whom the concept of a 'hedge stop' no longer involves a hedge...

  3. No worries, Bertie. Mom says that it happens to the best of us as we get older.

  4. Gail is right, Bertie. when I travel I have to stop once and hour, hubby can go for HOURS.. when i shop, I have to go once and hour. the good news for you is you can just GO, I have to have a rest room.. on the road that can be tough... glad you got to go on a road trip and that cloud does look like a lot of water on the way

  5. Gail, of course, is right (as she often is). Besides, taking rest breaks when on a long trip is always a good idea.

  6. Hari OM
    Oh dear, Bertie, I had a wee wry giggle at this. On the recent departure from the Hutch, I and Mac1 managed our trip north by the availablity of 'comfort stations!' So you must not fret about slowing down the travel. There are those of us who might say it makes the journey so much more appreciated... And if your variable weather is remotely like that down this end of the west coast - hmmmmmm.... oh well. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
    (To be fair, the sun is making an effort today...)

  7. We think you're doing Gail a favor since it's good to stop and stretch your legs a bit on a long trip.

  8. Bertie let me just say this about that!! Humans never know how long it will be before the next rest stop. I never ever NO never pass up an opportunity to take a potty break.
    Well I see sun and very dark clouds. I'd say you and Gail might have gotten damp but not drenched.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. When you gotta go, you gotta go!

  10. You knows, sometimes Ma will wake up in the morn and have to run to the loo too Bertie!! 🤣😂🤣
    shhhh...don't tells her I said that, k?
    I am sure Gail understands us old puppers needin' some extra care!
    Ruby ♥

  11. He will probably be mad at us for saying this, but our Dad has the same dilemma:) Gail is so very good to you, Bertie. We all totally understand and hope only the best for you.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. I think your mom is happy to stop several times if you are with her.

  13. Gail is right. And you still got there. Don’t like the dark clouds behind you. Hope you beat the rain.

  14. Bertie dear today was the first mention of Pup's paw surgery. He had his annual last Friday, the vet saw the 'bump' between his toes then. Surgery was scheduled at that time.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. When you are traveling with your best friend, you make sure everyone is comfortable!

    Rosie and Redford
