
Thursday 27 May 2021

I don't like Thursday mornings...

If I block off the exit route, do you think Gail will take me out for a nice walk rather than meet up with her friends for their regular Thursday bike ride?  

Unfortunately, my strategy doesn't seem to be working.

Looks like I might need to call in support from my Big Dog pals.

I couldn't help but notice Gail took out her 'winter bike' last week. When she returned several hours later, her clothing several saturations wetter, she observed that for once she'd made the right choice of bicycle... 

I did get a short walk down to the river, eventually.


  1. maybe to install skis at the bike is a solution? it seems the weather is more for a sled ... and we have nearly june...

  2. Hari OM
    Sorry you found Gail going gad about again, Bertie lad... but I do know she will make it up to you. As for the winter bike - I agree with the Weim-bros!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Well Bertie, I suggest that you curl up, all comfy cosy, and have a nice sleep while she's away. Then, when she comes back, you bother her until she takes you out on a decent walk!

    Inca xx

  4. Seems to me that you got the better deal staying warm and cozy at home and a walk later sounds just perfect, Bertie.

  5. Nice bike - longtime since I saw a Thorn (from near Bristol) - and platform pedals too - apologies for nerdy cyclist comment !

    1. Gail replied: No need at all to apologise for nerdy cyclist comments on this blog. Did you spot the bar end shifters? (It's what most bicycle enthusiasts first note about my much loved Thorn).

    2. I didn't, but I have them on my Dave Yates touring bike... #lovebikes!

  6. at least you were home nice and dry, if you had been out the furs would be soaked... glad you did get an outing.

  7. Well, Bertie, since it's only once a week we think it's okay that Gail go off on her own. As long as the other 6 days are dedicated to you, of course.

  8. Bertie darling all you can do is try via ESP to warn Gail of the wet weather. Thank goodness you got a walkie in too.
    BTW if I saw your handsomeness parked at my door I would be inclined to stay home. Mainly 'cause I don't do bike rides.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Sometimes the humans have to go away for a while. I know that whenever my ghostwriter is wearing her white pants she's going to work. I give her the cold shoulder when she leaves, but I'm always happy when she comes home.

  10. We hope you got a nap in while she was riding. Glad to hear you got out for a little (hopefully drier than Gail's ride) walk!

  11. OMD, Gail really has some nerve. Doesn't she know you ALWAYS take precedence over a mere bike??

  12. I know you love to be with your mom but staying home might be for the best

  13. We are in awe of your mom and her big bike rides!

  14. YAM-aunty directed me here. Humans on bikes - I share your frustrations. A few days ago we saw a human on a bike with a medium sized dog in a backpack. It was riding with its front paws on the human shoulders and seemed to be loving it. Unfortunately it has given my human ideas.... xxx Mr T
