
Monday 15 March 2021

A neighbour's cars

Can I be frank with you?

Gail's lack of interest in cars, and in the status that they can confer, has long been a disappointment to me. I feel an internationally renowned blogger such as myself surely deserves something better than our 7 year old Ford with an engine so small and low in emissions that it doesn't incur any road tax.

How I wish my human would take a lead from our neighbour, a lawyer whom we'll just call 'R'.

'R' and her teenage son 'J' live a few houses down from us. 'R' has long shown a fondness for flashy autos. This red Porsche has been a fixture on the street for a while now. However I am not allowed to post the photo of me 'decorating' its wheels... 

Last year, 'R' added a Tesla to her stable, prompting Gail to wonder if 'R' had undergone a green epiphany. Although her retention of the Porsche rather suggests not.

It seems that 'R's son is now learning to drive and it totally makes sense that a different car would be required. Perhaps our neighbour might offer to buy Gail's Ford? 

But no, sadly this didn't happen. 

A new vehicle appears on the street. It is an Aston Martin. Has James Bond perhaps come to visit?

Then we notice this car bears 'L' plates and has apparently been purchased for 'R's son 'J'. 

I have to say this is a surprising choice for a young and testosterone-fuelled learner driver. Gail says she can think of adjectives other than 'surprising'.

A  few days later we notice that 'J' is also apparently being given the opportunity to develop his driving skills on the Tesla.

I fear I am stuck with the ageing Ford for a while yet. The other day I caught Gail googling lightweight carbon frame road bikes...


  1. bertie that is a mighty fine car and we think to decorate a porsche is something super special congrats!!!! da nelly decorated a car too but it was only an ole berlingo, so no 10 points, right?

  2. Oh Bertie, I can sympathise, but Gail is right to have the sensible Ford, it shows that she is concerned about the environment. Just think - the money she saves on road tax, she can spend on treats for you!

    Inca xx

  3. You would love great behind the wheel of that flashy red car, Bertie! My mom drives a 2004 Toyota. My sissy thinks she needs a newer car and mom tells her that we don't hardly go anywhere these days so why bother?!

  4. you are lucky, Beau only get to ride in a 13 year old Kia.. it has wheels, they roll and the windows go down for hanging out of. if the electri windows stop, there will have to be another car... this is a mind blowing story and I enjoyed every word of it...

  5. OH MY STARS Bertie the Red Porsche gave me a huge amount of Awww and Ohhhhs I do love me a red car. I'd probably like a Red Cayenne though.
    BUT that being said I take any color Aston Martin...I agree with Gail though that is a lot of horse power for a teenager to be driving so many temptations. In the USA a teen with that much horse power to drive brings insurance rates way up HIGHer than the normally high rates for a teen driver. He might need a job. LOL
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Gail says: I can assure you, insurance costs were my first thought here too!

  6. OK, this is an astounding misjudgment on the part of a lawyer (testosterone car for testosterone-fueled youth, as well as cars that scream I am rich—reminds me of my sisters' seeing her divorce lawyer 12 years later and wanting to run him over....). Bad judgment does not seem to be a professional selling point. And finally, just plain wow.

  7. Hari OM
    ...O.M.D.... I am speechless, Bertie lad, and you know that take some doing... all I can say is "more money than wits"!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Those are all cool cars (especially the Porsche). Our mom would be a little nervous parking them on the street and worry about it getting dinged up. Are there no garages at the houses on your street? How do they charge the Tesla if it's on the street too?

    1. Gail says: The houses in our street were built around 1905-1910, before everyone had cars, so no garages. It's a common situation in cities in the UK. But I too would worry about leaving an expensive car on the street, and have also wondered about charging the Tesla.

  9. Those are some VERY fancy cars, but really not good for hauling pups! My mom owns a old hyundia station wagon and likes it because it runs great and if someone scratches it, she does not care!

    Your friend Rosie

  10. We hear ya, as we are forced to be seen in an 11-year old tiny box on wheels with a long gash on one side....sigh...
    Insurance on a learner driver....and provisional driver is EXPENSIVE, can't imagine letting a young male drive such a care....

  11. Dear Doggy Godson:

    First of all, there's nothing wrong with a 7 year old car. Our Dogship, whose doggy-oriented comfort you experienced during your royal visit in 2016, just turned 7, and she looks younger than ever.

    Having made this point, we concur with Gail. We also can think of various adjectives far more colorful than 'surprising'.

    Dachshund Daddy (DD) believes that nobody should be allowed to drive before they hit 30. I don't quite agree: if that were the case, dogs wouldn't be able to drive at all.

    Yours faithfully,
    Your Doggy Godmother
    Angel Tootsie
    (Channeled by DD)

  12. Maybe you need to make good friends with J and get a ride in his new Tesla:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Bertie! You make us laugh! When Mom takes me (Cinnamon) for a ride, it is usually in her ever so full of dog hair Hyundai Elantra (which is 7 years old) Or, if it is heavy work, it is the 12 year old F250 Diesel Pickup truck! This is about 2 feet off the ground and Mom (almost) requires a hoist to leverage her more than ample backside into it! I have to agree with the Woos! Make friends with J! I currently am making furrends with Baby Grrl and Lil Boy (Shitsus) Whose Dad had a Jaguar. Although their human is not impressed with the amount of hair I have deposited in the Elantra.

  14. We agree with your mom. She can't have a car that is so nice that she will worry a you peeing or barking in.

  15. Those are some pretty flashy cars! My momma has a Ford too, but it are a Mustang, so it are a lil flashy itself.

  16. Wells, my red Toyota truck could RUN OVER those cars! BOL!!!! Seriously, those are some pricey rides! Maybe you should be nice to them and they might lets you ride shotgun!
    Ruby ♥

  17. Momma says it's a crime against car-manity to put L plates on an Aston Martin!

  18. My humans each have old (2007 and 2008) Honda Accords. They drive just fine. In fact, my ghostwriter's has over 100,000 miles on it, and still going strong.
