
Wednesday 8 April 2020

Comfort in armchair travelling...

While Gail takes a literary tour in lieu of the holiday that should have been, I relax contentedly beside her, finding the sofa in our living room more comfortable than the austere environment of the 'Fairways Pet Haven'...

We did venture out yesterday for a walk to a favourite shop, MacBeans, to pick up essential supplies (for humans). Gail had earlier ordered the coffee - 500g of Espresso Classico, ground fine - online, to be picked up at the store. On  arrival, she texted them a code. We waited patiently outside for a minute or two then the assistant came out and placed Gail's order just in front of the door.  When she'd gone back inside, Gail stepped forward to pick up the coffee. The city centre was ghostly quiet. I like it that I'm now often allowed to walk down the middle of the road. 

At least Gail has no excuse for dozing off while tackling her reading material.


  1. we love the story about svejk... oooh and da movie! maybe now it is time to watch some old movies to remember better times ;O)

  2. Hari Om
    Yes, I too have enjoyed Svejk!

    Bertie lad, these are strange days; having taken a step down to Mayfield other arvo to collect dad's prescription, I was taken at the lack of traffic and finding many folk out in the sun crossing haphazardly on what is normally something of a racetrack! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Bertie for sure coffee is 'almost' as much of a necessity as tp..however, happily our tp crisis is over and I have lots of our favorite brand of coffee: Peet's Brand, flavor whole bean Major Dickason's. I love the aroma of beans grinding in the am as I do the aroma of water
    dripping thru the gounds.
    Oh you are so right about the pup guarding his
    driveway. Ohhh the hare with the amber eyes is a most appropriate book.
    Hugs to you and Gail

  4. Reading is one of mom's favorite things to do early afternoon, Bertie, and just between us, many times she falls asleep with the open book in her lap. We haven't noticed coffee hoarding yet, thank goodness!

  5. It's too bad Gail had to miss her European adventure but much better for you to get to stay at home with her.

  6. ISO-lymics date is April 16...

    1. Thanks! I think we missed one of the 'Downunder Daisy' posts.

  7. Coffee and books. (SHE went to the dark side and got a kindle.)
    Glad Cecilia gave you the ISO-lympic Date.

  8. We've been noticing Mama drinking a bit more coffee too!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. While Lady is only a tea drinker, she would take it however she could get it.

  10. Great planning for that coffee. The stores around here could learn a lesson or two.

    The Shriner's are an organization somehow tied to the freemasons who have a hospital for children with lots and lots of problems. They do wonderful work. The commercials feature many of the children that have received help. There are two boys in particular whose voices really get Timber singing:)

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  11. Wow, your coffee stores are open? Most of ours are closed.

  12. Strange times isn't it. There are still a lot of people out and about here it seems. Some practice social distancing and some don't seem to care which kinda freaks Mom out when they go to the store.
    Mabel & Hilda

  13. Very very odd times. We don't have the option of buying coffee in person. Oh well. A literary tour sounds like a blast. You can walk down the middle of the streets in every town!

  14. I have to go to the veterinarian tomorrow and Lee just said she had to call them when we get there and they open the door and I go inside by myself, then they close that door and open the second door to get me. Lee is wondering how I am going to respond to this. Well we hope your coffee does not take milk for we have none here.
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Oh they have automatic door openers.

    2. We hope things go OK at the vet tomorrow, Sweet William. Gail is pleased to report that there is no milk shortage here.

  15. You do look so comfortable Bertie!
    Wow! a visit to a specialist coffee shop, with a nice walk thrown in - lucky you! My human bought a Nespresso machine so all her coffee comes in those little metal containers! She says it's easier than all the business with filters, when you only want one cup at a time, and the coffee isn't too bad.
    My human also has a Kindle and says she will look out for the books Gail is reading - we particularly like the sound of the Hare with Amber Eyes.
    Inca xx

    1. Gail definitely recommends 'The Hare with Amber Eyes', which she read a few years ago, and is now going to re-read.
