
Sunday 15 March 2020

Things going awry...

With other Spring travel plans having gone awry, Gail and I are making a quick visit to friends and relatives in England. Given the way things are in the UK, coronavirus-wise, this could be our last trip away from Scotland for quite a while.

The daffodils in Yorkshire were looking cheery, but there was such sad news when we reached Gail's brother and sister-in-law's house on the edge of the Peak District. I don't know if you remember my poodle cousins Percy and Coco? Percy had reached the grand old age of fourteen - a fine, long life for a HUGE, (and frankly rather bossy) fellow. But just one day before our visit, dear Percy had apparently suffered a stroke and his humans were forced to make the hardest but kindest decision on his behalf, and so Coco is now an only pup.

After seeing Coco, we made a brief stop in the nearby town of Chesterfield, and I couldn't help but notice that there was something amiss with the church spire. Gosh, I was beginning to wonder if the whole world was becoming a bit out of true, but Gail tells me the spire at least has always been like that.

We are now staying for a few days with Janet in Nottingham - she's one of my favourite people, as you know. The three of us went for a splendid walk across squelchy fields yesterday, but I still can't understand why we had to sit at an outside table for lunch at the cosy looking Cowshed café. It seemed all wrong to me...
"Muddy paws? Moi?"


  1. Hari OM
    They didn't have a bucket and mop to deal with muddy trails, then??? Tsk.

    Yes, everything is out of kilter, Bertie lad. I am still in Edin-toon due to Mac1 having succumbed to another infection - am likely to be here now at least until Wednesday. At which point you may here me screaming... hugs and wgs, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Bertie and Gail I was wondering about Gail's trip in April...I know she was looking forward to it A LOT!! I am truly sorry.
    I send your pup cousin and family my sincerest
    sympathies at the passing of Percy Poodle...and I hope Coco can to be an only w/o too much difficulty.
    Enjoy your time with travels home..I'm guessing you drove?
    As for travel it is seriously looking like there will be no travel out of the USofA for us this year. Depending the on the virus we might not travel out of NC either. Our trip last week to Hemlock Bluffs Nature preserve on Nature Friday might be our last trip out of Raleigh too. Glad I got lots of photos.
    Supplies here are scarce here. Especially paper products. I'm ok for about 10 days for tp and pt. I'm rationing my paper towels.
    I have a supply of clean but raggy wash cloths that I was going to use for cleaning rags. They are now by the sink for drying our hands.
    TP well another story completely for another day when the straits are more direr...bol

  3. Hugs to Percy's peeps♥ I've never been to a cafe, inside or out - so I'm a bit jealous of you, Bertie. You definitely had a fun outing seeing those muddy paws!

  4. Lovely photos of you - you handsome pup, even with your muddy paws!
    How sad that Coco is now an only one. It will take him a while to get used to it, as it took me when we lost Petite-Chose. But the good side is not having to share treats, and being the centre of attention. Downside is that if you do something naughty, they know it's you!
    A very wise decision to make that trip before you're on lock down. You are lucky because you have two places to choose to stay in, if it happens in Scotland.
    Our lock down starts at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning and then we'll be house and garden bound for at least two weeks. My human has a list of all the jobs she wants to do, and as she'll have no excuses, we'll have a busy time ahead! She's just not sure if she's allowed to take me for walks, nothing has been said about us doggies. I see endless games of throwing the tennis ball for me to chase after. She can't go to gym, so how is she going to get her exercise? Perhaps I should throw the ball and she can chase after it? What fun!

    Inca xx

  5. Lady and Man feel Gail on cancelling travel plans. Lady jokes this year her hubby has been canceling trips. No new ones will be made until world madness ends.

    Stay safe dear friend.

  6. Oh noes. I am so sorry to hears about Percy. Please send our condolences and loves to Coco and her peeps. {{{hugs}}}
    And I REALLY don't understand WHY you were made to stay outside of the cafe Bertie. SO wrong my furiend!!!
    Stay safe, and remembers to make Gail wash her paws! BOL!!
    Ruby ♥

  7. So sad about Percy...It's always sad when that time comes.

    We're sure you had to stay outside because of Gail's and Janet's muddy feet.

  8. We're sorry to hear about cousin Percy and have our paws crossed for his family. It sure looks like you have been enjoying your trip, muddy paws and all.

  9. Wow Bertie....What lovely new muddy pants you are sporting! They look lovely on you BOL!!

    We are sending snuggles to Coco and Percy's people.

    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. We are so very sorry to hear about your friend Percy. Soft woos and gentle hugs to the family.

    That spire does look a bit odd.

    As for muddy paws, we have them here too. A few rainy days and the yard is pretty soggy.

    Crazy times we are living in. We are hoping for a miracle.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  11. We are very sorry about Percy. Otherwise I think it was a fun trip with lots of muddy paws. We hope it isn't too long before you can do it again.

  12. I'm so sorry for you that all the plans and trips are no longer possible... but we hope that this will be not for a long time...

  13. Oh, we're so sorry to hear about Percy. :( That church spire does look very odd!

  14. We are sorry about is nice that you went to visit and provide some comfort. Our mom just had to cancel her trip to Germany that she was so looking forward to, but that means she stays home with us, and we like that.

    Kiki and Rosie
