
Tuesday 18 February 2020

A proper birthday celebration!

"Can it really be ten years?" Gail exclaimed this morning when she woke up.

I looked at her expectantly. Although past experience has taught me not to raise my hopes too high. 

Then Gail gave me a big hug and said "Happy tenth birthday darling Bertie! Look here's your present and card and we'll have a special birthday tea later when I get home from work." 

So after she left I had time to read the message in the card, and then I dozed off (us senior dogs do like our naps) and waited for her to return.

It seemed an age, but for once the wait was worth while. A two course celebratory supper!

First course was home made ox liver biscuits garnished with a choice of soft cheese, peanut butter or marmite.
(Why don't I get peanut butter more often?)

Then for afters, it was a black pudding special.

Liver and black pudding all in one meal!

Does life get any better?


  1. OH MY DOG!!! What a wonderful way to celebrate!

    A very Happy 10th Barkday Bertie!!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  2. Hari OM
    BERTIE - GAIL CAME GOOD!!! I am so glad you had a very proper tenth barkday, dear dogpal, and I too hope there will be many more years of togetherness for you and Gail. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Happy Birthday Bertie! That was a perfect way to celebrate.

  4. Happy 10th Birthday, Bertie! What a great day you had with a beautiful card and a great pressie and yummy treats!

  5. Hi, Bertie, I am glad to see that the years have not dampened your gentle sarcasm ("Although past experience has taught me not to raise my hopes too high."). Happy Birthday, my friend.....Oh, and I thought Gail was retiring at the beginning of this year, to spend more time with you....

    1. Gail's retirement was delayed two months but is definitely happening at the end of next week!

    2. Now that IS exciting news!

  6. It looks like you had a wonderful birthday and some terrific food. I love your note.

  7. Oh Bertie, that was one FABulous Burthday celebration my furiend!! I remember was oh so long ago....BOL!!! Just kiddin' was just a year ago, and I didn't gets NEAR the delish foodables as you got! I thinks I am a little green with the envy!
    Ruby ♥

  8. Happy Happy Birthday dear Bertie!!! we love your fab birthday menu, black pudding sounds like something we should try too!

  9. Oh Bertie nuttin' says lovin' like homemade treats from the oven!! What a very very special day you had and 2 courses. Yikes I hope Dad of Madi doesn't see this he might expect 2 courses on his bday
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. That was a perfect celebration....such culinary delights!! But really, TEN! We remember when Gail was just 'going to look' at a litter of WFT! Happy Birthday!

  11. Happy Happy Birthday Bertie! What fabulous celebration for you from Gail...she loves you so much!

    Kiki and Rosie

  12. Bertie - Congratulations. 10 years deserve sausages !

  13. Happiest of happy birthdays, Bertie. I can’t believe I’ve been reading your blog for a decade. I started with Hamish’s blog because I had my own Hamish. Now not only have both Hamish’s passed but you’re ten! Holy moly. This makes me feel old. Congratulations on the wonderful birthday treats! You deserve them all!

  14. Happy Birthday sweet Bertie! Your Gail loves you so very much, and I know that the feeling is mutual. I too hope that you have many many more years together!

  15. A day late (in California it's still February 19 as I type this), but wishing you a happy birthday - and a grand year - nonetheless! My goodness, 10 years old? You deserve such goodies every day!

  16. Bertie - we're the same age now!
    Belated birthday greetings - sorry we missed the actual day, but my human has had problems with her computer.
    Looking at the fabulous birthday food Gail gave you, we're sure you had a wonderful day. Just wondering why the very pretty card is dated 2018 though - do you get the same one every year? However, they are wonderful, heartfelt sentiments to a really super doggie.

    Inca xx

    1. Ooops Inca, well spotted! I think my silly owner got confused, what my birthday being on the 18th...
      Toodle pip!

  17. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Ox liver biscuits!?!!! Black pudding!?!!!! Life certainly does not get any better than that! I am still a few years away from TEN, but now I cannot wait! I hope I get that too!

    Oh, and happy birthday my friend! You deserve all those treats and more!
