
Friday 14 June 2019

A new walk for Nature Friday!

My owner Gail never tires of telling me how lucky I am, to share my life with someone who loves exploring new places on foot, with a dog for company.

To keep the peace at home, I don't point out how lucky some of my friends are, to live with humans who, on returning from holidays, actually bring back gifts for their pets rather than blethering on with excuses about small bicycle panniers...

I digress. I must say I did enjoy our latest wee adventure. On Monday evening after supper, Gail put on her coat and bundled me into the car saying "come on Bertie, the sun is still shining, let's make the most of the long light northern evenings, I want to check out a footpath along the coast from Old Portlethen."

So we drove about six miles south of Aberdeen, and on leaving the parking area, saw this sign.

Well of course, now that I am a sensible nine year old WFT, I know perfectly well to watch my paws when venturing near cliffs and steep slopes, and so I admired the late season cuckoo flowers from a safe distance.

We then passed by a cluster of prettily painted wooden rowing boats beached in a sheltered cove, and the smarter of my readers will have deduced from the shadows that we are looking out east to the North Sea, with the sun low in the sky behind us.

I think it would be fun to come here early morning and see the sunrise, but lazy old Gail seems unconvinced.

The coast path is well defined at the start,

But on reaching the edge of a field of rape it becomes narrow and uneven, so I found myself waiting patiently as Gail stumbled along on her somewhat wobbly ankles.

At one point, I nearly disappeared amid the long grass and cow parsley.

By a marshy spot I stopped to admire these yellow irises

And then we turned inland and I raced Gail back to the car. Can you guess who won?

Well I hope you too enjoyed our new Nature Friday walk. It's quite a short one - not much more than a mile. Maybe we'll return later in the year. This is what it looks like on Google Earth. 

Once again, many thanks to our lovely friends Arty, Jakey and Rosy for hosting the Nature Friday blog hop. Do now go and visit all the other wonderful posts.


  1. Might only be a mile walk, but there is so much to see. Sounds like it's not too far for a return visit on those lovely summer evenings.

  2. that was a super fabulous place and even with yellow iris flowers... we have calf high wires to keep peeps&pets away from steep cliffs... but during the years more people stumbled over that wires and got hurt than it helped to prevent accidents...

  3. Hari om
    Bertie lad, that was worth turning out gor! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. The North Sea is just breathtaking and the cuckoo flowers are so pretty. What a beautiful walk!

  5. What a pretty place to get to visit, even if it wasn't a long walk. We love walking adventures. Enjoy yours.

  6. What a gawjuss place to go for a walk! I wish I could come visit. I would DEFINITELY bring you pressies if I did, unlike certain humans who shall not be named.

  7. That looks like a lovely place for a walk. The ocean views are amazing.

  8. Bertie my fine WFT...I think we need to have a
    summer camp aka B.A.R. in Aberdeen!! Just Sayin' so much to do such fine company and the vistas go on and on.
    This made me cackle:
    "I think it would be fun to come here early morning and see the sunrise, but lazy old Gail seems unconvinced." I am very much a sunrise kinda gal I'd galdly go with you.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Such lovely views along your new walk! Our Mama is also quite lazy and we don't start doing sunrise walks until fall when the sun decides to come up at a more reasonable hour BOL!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. Hi Bertie! It's nice to meet you. Thanks for the tour of the beautiful countryside where you live. We enjoyed it very much. And thanks for visiting me on The Daily Bone.
    Your friend, Chester

  11. Oh a very beautiful walk. OUr mom would stay way back from the steep cliffs
    Mabel & Hilda

  12. That is gorgeous! So green with such gorgeous yellow flowers. And the blue water! I don't think that it could possibly be more beautiful! Thanks so much for the walk :)

  13. Oh Bertie - what a fabulous walk. You do live in such a lovely place, even if the weather isn't all it should be most of the time. What a super walk you and Gail had - and you have grass ! I'm green with envy, it's not something we see much of here - unless it's plastic !
    Will think about your walk when we're going on ours, round the houses.
    This morning we went on the promenade, quite early, and walked along beside the empty beach and the beautiful blue sea. Quite a few other dogs around and I met a very sprightly old black Lab. so we had a little chat.

    Inca xx

    1. Hi Inca, how lovely to hear about your early morning walk on the prom. Good that you had a nice chat with a sprightly Lab too. I bet your sea is blue at bit more often than ours is! (Today the the North Sea was back to its usual grey).
      Toodle pip!

  14. What a lovely walk. We love these longer daylight hours too. More after dinner walks for us! You are lucky to run off leash. We couldn't be trusted on a narrow path by the sea🤪. Wyatt and Tegan

  15. What a pretty way to spend a long summer evening! You are so lucky that your mom takes to to such lovely place to sniff! My mom and I are very jealous, as most of the time we just walk around our part of the city and the highlight is when I find a pizza crust to snarf up! Not very pretty, but certainly delicious!

    Your friend Kiki

  16. What a lovely walk!! We are guessing you won? :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets
