
Monday 24 July 2017

New Duthie Park Café and Canine Rights

There is an important debate going on in Duthie Park this morning. Let's listen in for a minute.

Well it seems that the newly renovated café in Duthie Park is about to open, at last*. 

The regular dog walking gang are asking the manager if the café is going to be 'dog-friendly'. It looks like the dogs are joining in. Really the case in unanswerable, don't you think?
  • First off, it is noted that year round, we dogs and our owners are the main park users, we come here come rain or shine, every day, unlike your fair weather, school holiday visitors, Saturday afternoon cricketers or bus tourists doing the rounds of the Winter Gardens. So we feel we have rights.
  • Secondly, it is not good enough for dogs merely to be given access to the outside terrace area, which apparently is the current plan. I mean, how many days per year in Aberdeen is it actually warm enough for even the hardiest and most loving dog owner to want to be eating outdoors? 
  • Finally, there is the economic argument, which is of course paramount in the minds of so many humans. Not only will allowing dogs in increase takings, but just think how much could be saved in floor sweeping costs with all those canine Dysons to hoover up the cake crumbs...
We shall be reviewing the café in due course.

*Behind that 'at last' is a long and sorry saga of Aberdeen City Council mismanagement, incompetence in letting the café contract to an untrustworthy party, lies told by said party, delays, near bankruptcy, supposed investors dematerialising when payments are due and - oh gosh we had better stop here before Gail explodes in a fit of apoplexy...


  1. I know I do a good job as a vacuum cleaner around here!

  2. Make sure the dog-walkers don't go there....

    Can you 'hoover' with a Dyson?

  3. I agree with you... we are always there not only for a sunny afternoon... and we think that twolegged guests are sometimes much more annoying and make much more mess than any dogs... so free access efurrywhere for all woofies...

  4. Hari om
    OMD Bertie lad... here's hoping this lot have got their act together. It would be grand to think of yourself and Gail having Sunday brekky in the park! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Well I finks you should most definately put your paw down here Bertie....there SHOULD be puppicinos on the menu AND special pup beds inside!!!! Maye you should get up a petition of paws prints fur the new owners?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Bertie hey good buddy if you start a petition to support full access to K9's you let me know mom and I will put paw prints all over a petition. It is a lovely cafe with beautiful outside dining too but for sure allowing K9's in will bring in a ton of money, which it appears they might need.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. Good luck with your campaign. Hopefully you and your canine pals will be able to use the cafes facilities as much as your humans can. Power to the paw!

  8. It really is only fair to allow you inside!

  9. There are very few places around here that doggies are allowed so we think it is impawtent to have your hooman stick up for your rights!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Here is Canada there are very few dog friendly pubs etc. You have it way better in Scotland (maybe we should move).

  11. Hope your campaign is successful. The cafes that do allow dogs inside in Yorkshire are always busy happy places...and not half as noisy as cafes with lots of little children. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  12. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! I hope you get to go inside! Our laws here (made by the silly humans) state that Dogs may not be inside any establishment that serves food. So we NEVER get to go places like this. I mean, come on... What am I going to do? Steal the food? (Okay, maybe.) But honestly, my person says it would increase profits for the businesses as well!

  13. If this is the case I will be walking on past the cafe and heading for the Inn at the Park on Polmuir Rd which is very dog friendly (front bar and beer garden)
