
Friday 18 November 2016

Bertie is working hard (bless his cotton socks)

I want you to know that I have been working hard analysing the data you all so kindly provided for my Pee-hD thesis. Gosh, when I asked you to tell me how long you can go without needing a 'comfort break', for sure it was like I tapped into a full bladder of information and it all came gushing out...

I am aiming have my thesis ready to present (and defend) on Monday 21 November.

If you are wondering why I am wearing these silly socks, well it is 'cos this week  I have had another flare up of the horrid interdigital cyst problem I get from time to time. Gail is making me wear the socks indoors to stop me licking and chewing my paws.

I was limping so badly earlier in the week I even had to go to the vet. Can you believe, she actually wanted to touch my paws, despite them being ever so sore! I was prescribed some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory tablets.  By this morning my feet were feeling a bit better and I enjoyed a wee run in the park before knuckling down to my research.


  1. I hope your paws are much better soon and this socks are not made for walking furever :O) I had such a cyst once too, the vet gave me imaveral and I had to take foot baths with that stuff.. it helped but it was a challenge to bath my paws efurryday :O)

  2. Sure hope your paws feel better soon. Guess the only good thing about this limited outing is it gives you time to finish your thesis.

  3. Take care of your paws, and they will take care of you!

  4. Ah, Bertie. I'm so sorry your paws are bothering you again. That's a drag. And it sounds like you are ABD with the dissertation!

    My parental units continue to be totally blue. Mom is devastated.

    Paw power,

  5. Hari OM
    POTP dear Bertie lad... and it looks like you had some 'ice therapy' for the tootsies this morning! Looking forward to reading your 'paper'... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. A good run will get the mind rollin when it comes to all that research
    Lily & Edward

  7. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO BERTIE SORE PAWS RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SERIOUS PEEhD research. Thank goodness they are better. Gail did a great job on the socks they are way better than the cone of shame.
    Kitty kisses toesies
    Madi your bfff

  8. Oooh, poor Bertie - we're sorry your paws have been hurting. You didn't spend too long on the computer, working on your Pee-hD thesis did you? That could have caused the trouble. We're glad you're all better now, but must say those socks are rather smart !

    Petite-Chose and Inca xx

  9. those paws can be so bothersome - mom says mine look more and more weird ever day

  10. We can't wait to read your results! ...and you hope your poor paws are feeling better!

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  11. Glad your feet are feeling better...and you don't have to wear the socks in public!

  12. We're sorry for your paws, we send you tons of healing purrs ! Purrs

  13. That is awful! Im so sorry that your paws were hurting :(
    I'm glad you are starting to feel better. Hoping for a speeeeedy recovery! :)
    You are still as cute as anything, keep your head up buddy!
    Thank you for sharing with us.

    Have a wonderful day!


  14. Sorry to hear you have the itchy toe thing again. Horatio is also suffering with a skin allergy that has really flared up. Vet says there's a lot of it this time of year. They think it's to do with leaf mould.... hopefully the leaves will disappear soon and the itches along with them!

  15. Sorry about your sore paws :(
    We just sent you some more pee data for your pee HD. You are such a smart terrier!

  16. Once you get into your research you might forget about your paws. We hope so!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. We sure hope your paws keep feeling better!! We are thinking a promotion may be in order after you receive your Pee-hd! We can't wait to review your thesis!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. Dear Bertie, the socks actually look rather cozy. But certainly no fun to have sore paws. Rest up and be well.

  19. Bertie - The paw trouble will disappear as soon as you immerse yourself in research. The lamp posts on Union Street might be a good place to start on a Sunday morning.

  20. Hope your paws are better very soon Bertie. Looking forward to reading the results of your research too - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  21. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! I am glad your feet are starting to feel better! Feet are very important for running and jumping! Also I am looking forward to your thesis!
