
Sunday 27 November 2016


So Gail and I are standing by the ticket barrier at Nottingham station yesterday morning when a tall, handsome and well spoken young man comes bounding over and addresses Gail thus:

"May I just say I think your dog is awesome!"

Gail says thank you and a big beaming smile lights up her face as she temporarily forgets that she finds constant use of the adjective 'awesome' ever so slightly irritating.

We had just been to see Human Granny. Despite finding it increasingly difficult to move around, she stays cheerful and positive about life, and interested in what's going on in the world. And she always smiles when she sees me.

I hope Gail doesn't mind if I tell you I think HGY is AWESOME.


  1. Our peeps don't like the word much either, but we think your blog is pretty awesome too, Bertie !

    Petite-Chose and Inca xx

  2. We think she's fabulous. We're sure you two have an Awesome Admiration Society. Oh, and that man had good taste.

  3. Lady is laughing so hard at this because her personal trainer overuses the word awesome and it drives her nuts! LOL! Glad Granny is doing well.

  4. yes you are awesome!!! and I'm sure you were the reason that your granny smiled. Hugs to her and a happy happy furst advent sunday to you and your furmily...

  5. You and Gail and HGY are all awesome in the extreme. As is the human male who was kind enough to bring this to our attention (except we already knew)

    Gus n Taka

  6. Hari OM
    Pawsonally I think your are PAWSOME; but let's not get caught up in semantics. As for HGY... DEFINITELY. I am so glad you are being able to spend time with her again this weekend Bertie lad. Every minute is precious. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. WELL BERTIE MY MOM AGREES WITH GAIL ON THE incorrect use of AWESOME. Using HGY is for sure the correct use of awesome. AWESOMELY beautifully and has an AWESOME attitude. What a classy lady ..we are sorry to hear she isn't quite as mobile though.

    However, such uses as when mom gives a cashier correct change...they respond
    awesome!! Now Bertie that young man had awesome taste when describing you!!

    Another aggravation use of 'no problem' to mom is the lack of'you are welcomed'. Any time mom says thank you...she always gets NO PROBLEM. Mom is a rather mellow senior but this just gets her hackles up. She wants to say I had no idea my request might have been a problem. Argggggggggggggg
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  8. HGY looks very chipper. Most likely due to a visit from a handsome WFT. Hope the train trip was uneventful!

    -Otto and Osa

  9. My peeps don't much care for the over use of "awesome" either, Bertie, but it could be forgiven when used about a handsome dog such as yourself BOL HGY looks very happy to see you too :-) nose licks and love from Moth xx

  10. Bertie - Awesome is pretty cool. Did you get a biscuit ?

  11. Sometimes ya just gotta say it! We think you are awesome too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. I love when people smiles.
    Coffee is on

  13. When the Awesome fits (or the young man is cute)...they just gotta say it!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  14. Howdy Bertie. It can't be helped if you are awesome and somebody recognises that fact, hehe. Just LOVE the photo of you and your Granny. Hope all is good in your part of the world mate.
    No worries, and love, Stella x

  15. We certainly agree that you are indeed AWESOME! And your human granny sounds super awesome, too!

  16. Awesome works for us too.
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom and De Ark XX

  17. Bertie, you and your grandma are both AWESOME!!
    Wyatt and Tegan

  18. Definitely AWESOME for us too!!!!! It's nice to see how you made your Granny to smile:)
