
Sunday 24 April 2016

The sad demise of Rory the Lion

Gail here: I awoke this morning to the scene of a massacre.
Bedroom scene 24 April 2016

Bertie is an occasional rather than an obsessional toy de-stuffer.

Rory the Lion has been his much loved night time companion for the best part of a year.

Quite why Bertie decided now was time for some true terrier-style action on the poor lion's head is anyone's guess.

However, Rory has not roared his last as, due to an anatomical quirk, his voice box is located in his still intact tail.


  1. Lucky for Rory that he can at least still roar at Bertie! Willow has never chewed up any of her stuffies is in the 3 years she has been with us.....until a dear neighbor gave her a beautiful stuff

    1. Sorry my comment decide to post it's self! It was actually a pretty little golden furry dog.But Willow decided she didn't like the black plastic nose on him so she chewed it off. She continues to play with it every day as if nothing ever happened to it! Silly dog!

  2. Hari OM
    Bertie lad, am not sure which concerns me more about this - the stealth with which you dealt the deading - or the depth of Gail's sleep that she 'awoke' to it after the event!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
    pee ess - loving the new header...

  3. It is funny that here too a toy can live peacefully for months and then one day needs to go!

  4. Looks like spontaneous combustion to us! Please note the stuffing ON Bertie! He looks like he was sound asleep too Gail, so let's not jump to hasty conclusions.

    PeeS Was the lion growling in your ear while you were trying to sleep Bertie?

  5. hmmmmm... bet that was the cowardly lion from that movie and you just helped him to find his braveness, right?

  6. MOL MOL MOL Bertie was Rory snoring?
    If so, I SAY WTG...Doesn't look like you were phased by the event, in fact you look rather pleased.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. You look quite proud of yourself Bertie - that's a great destuffing job.

    Abby Lab

  8. maybe he was dreaming he attacked him and it turned out to be real :)

  9. My Mr. Alligator has his roar in his tail, too! I'm working my wat to it!!


  10. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Good job with your lion!

  11. Unfortunately, this happens here whenever Jakey gets a hold of a stuffy. He gives Bertie a big high five on his deading abilities!
    Dory Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. Rest in peace Rory the Lion.

    P.S.: Nice work Bertie!

  13. That is the way to do it Bertie - work it nice and slow and then blam!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. I'm impressed deer Rory lasted as long as he did.

  15. That is an admirable life span for a terrier toy. And the only reason the tails is not demised too is because Bertie knew that he would wake you up if he killed the squeak. And he was much too considerate of your need for sleep. With deep respect for our pal. Gus and Teka

  16. So after a year of worming his way into your good graces, that sneaky lion finally attacked while you slept and Bertie bravely defended you? Good boy, Bertie!!!

  17. Well done Bertie. Those primal instincts need honing once in a while.

  18. Why did Gail break your toy
    Lily & Edward

  19. Stuffins what have you done Bertie. Now you won't have a companion for those long cold nights or when them creepy shadows go across the wall. No companion to keep away those burglars that you welcome so kindly. Your needed Rory the Lion. Stuffins Bertie you got stuffins.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  20. Sometimes you just gotta tear them up, huh?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. That's okay, just stitch up his head and he's good to go!


  22. The fact that Bertie seems to be surrounded with stuffing could just be circumstantial evidence. He has a most innocent expression.

  23. HOOHOOHEEHEEE we belive this is chapter 26, or how many nano seconds to destroy your stuffies( even if you've had them for for awhile) Bravo darling boy
