
Sunday 25 October 2015

My mall walking expedition

Yesterday evening Gail took me for a walk to Aberdeen railway station 'cos she needed to pick up some tickets. Yes, I know, very twentieth century behaviour… Anyway, then she said she wanted to go to Marks and Spencers to buy lamb chops and, rather insensitively I thought, added that it was a shame she'd brought me along because, me being a dog, we wouldn't be able to take the short cut through the Union Square shopping mall.

So, I huffed, show me the signs that say 'No Dogs Allowed in Union Square'. And you know what? Gail looked all around the mall entrance couldn't see any. None whatsoever.

So it was that I had my first ever experience of Mall Walking. I believe is a popular exercise activity across the Pond, but not so much in Scotland.

I would have liked to linger longer, but Gail seemed in a hurry. We didn't encounter any other dogs, but believe me, I was a good deal cleaner and smarter than certain of the humans waddling round the shops.

I even offered to pose for a photo as I strode confidently along the main concourse, but Gail thought it inadvisable to draw attention to my presence.

As if I was engaged in criminal behaviour or something!

I did at least manage to sneak into the corner of the shot when Gail paused to take a picture of the cakes on offer at Patisserie Valerie.


  1. That's looking very much like a M'Ongoose photo, Bertie. Too much to expect a small sample for a beautifully behaved dog. We've never been Mall shopping either....

  2. I are plannin on sneakin into a mall once momma gets me my stroller.

  3. Bertie - If you were at Aberdeen station the 'dogs not allowed' signs would be the least of your worries.

  4. way to go - nothing like flirting with the law to add a little spice to life :)

  5. Bertie that was a super post! many thanks for sharing that mall-experiences with me, we sadly have that no-dogs signs efurrywhere in our malls. My momma thought she can solve that problem with buying a stroller for me, but that idea was a feel, because the weimaraner is uncooperative and refuses to ride ina stroller through the stores :o)

  6. Some US Malls allow dogs in the mall for "mall walking" hours (usually early AM with no stores open) but we only have been to a couple. And one must leave when the hours are over, no cheating and hiding in the food court.

    Good luck on your next trip.

  7. Hari OM
    BOL... ahem... oh dear, I mean. To have had the chance of walking new territory, but given no latitude for genuine exploration is frustrating indeed. Nearly as much as seeing only Valerie's cakes on this screen....... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Sounds like you were a rebel! Good for you! We would love mall walking. It is popular with older people, but no dogs allowed.

  9. Bertie OMDs what a fine experience that must have been...Yay YOU!! My peeps are mall walkers...mol!
    But come to think of it the only dogs they have ever seen in our mall are Service Dogs. they too are very well behaved just like you. Mom says there are no specific signs saying no dogs...
    Hey good Buddy how is HGma doing? Ask Gail to give her a hug next time she visits
    Madi your bfff and MOM

  10. I think I'd pose next to the pastries as well.

    Happy Sunday.

    Abby Lab

  11. Were you allowed in Marks n Spencer's too? We'd love to get inside a grocery store, even if just in the basket. All those yummy smells. Maybe we should consider moving to our homeland as dogs seem to have much more freedom in Scotland.
    Bonnie n Kenzie, the wee scotty girls

    1. Sadly, dogs are not allowed inside M&S, even in Scotland!

  12. YAY! You did that walk for doggies everywhere!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. What a wonderful first, Bertie!! We just love the picture Gail took.. Mama almost didn't see you there next to the delicious looking pasteries!
    Dory, Jakey, Bilbo & Arty

  14. Oh wow, how exciting! I've never been to a mall.

  15. Yep on this side of the pond we have Mall Walkers. The Malls open early so walkers can walk before the shops open and not hinder shoppers. We have never been a Mall Walker we like the feel of the outside air on our skin and the fresh smell.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  16. Well done, Bertie. You are a trailblazer and you are paving the road for dog friendly establishments in your town!
    Go Bertie Go!
