
Sunday 22 March 2015

A new home for Human Granny and mixed emotions

I was all bouncing with delight to learn that Human Granny was finally coming out of the rehabilitation hospital this week. I've been so missing her fond pats and her calling me Petsy (no-one else does that). This house in Nottingham feels a bit empty when she's not here.

So then I felt sad when Gail told me that HGY is moving to a new home called 'Westcliffe', where she can be looked after night and day. Gail says it is for the best as she has been very ill indeed and even before that she was struggling so much after Human Grandad died.

Checking out the garden at Westcliffe

Has Human Granny really been so ill? Yesterday Gail took me to see her and she looked better than she has done for, oh, for ever so long. She was sat in a nice comfy chair in a bright room overlooking a well tended garden, reading the paper and appearing content. There were other old ladies in the sitting room, and one of them seemed friendly and gave my ears a rub and told Gail she was born in 1916.

Now relative youngsters like me are all about excitement and new experiences, but Gail tells me when you are older these things get harder, and she suspects Human Granny is wearing a brave face, something her generation are often good at.

But that is so much better than wearing a glum face isn't it?

I have my paws crossed that she will be OK.


  1. It is still hard, even when it's for the best. Probably like facing evacuation to another country during the war.....

  2. I are crossin my paws for her too.

  3. I'll think good thoughts, that is a huge move emotionally. Very best wishes for it going well.

  4. Bertie - There are certain rites of passage no one ever tells you about. HGY will do just fine - constant company and care are worth their weight in gold.

  5. We have HGY in our thoughts and prayers and we so hope she settles in well and is happy and contented in her new home. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. HGY will have great care 24/7 with new peeps to make friends with and I'm sure she will be fine. But Bertie, remember to give Gail lots of luffs and cuddles 'cos its a big adjustment for her as well. Just been there with Aunty Peggy and I nose us pups have a BIG role to play with the peeps.
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. I cross my paws with you Bertie and I wish all the best for your Granny, your Gail and for you.
    easy rider

  8. Oh Bertie, we truly know just how hard it is. While we know it's the best thing for Granny, it tugs on our heart strings. Our humans wish life didn't have to be that way, that our parents will stay strong and healthy forever, that they will tell us the right thing to do, that they will always comfort and guide us. But as we know, roles do get reversed and now Gail is becoming the parental figure. It's so difficult and emotional. As hard as it is, Gail is one of the lucky ones. She is able to take on these tasks to help Human Granny, to keep her safe, keep her loved, keep her properly fed and clothed. We commend Gail for her love and hard work. Many in this world don't have "kids" who give a hoot and will do this for their aging parents. We see that a lot here in our Florida community. Human Granny is VERY blessed.

    We know that in time, Human Granny will adjust to her new home. She will make new friends and hopefully get involved in the activities they may offer. It will take time. Make sure to tell the Staff there to help her get involved so she doesn't stay in her room. (We have to do that with G-Pa Bob. Otherwise he stays in his room and pouts.)

    And Gail, our Mommy Kim says to hang in there! Sometimes life really sucks and you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. This is one of those times. Mommy said she is holding your hand from a distance. Bcuz sometimes you just need a friend who has walked a mile in your shoes.

    We love you Bertie and Gail. Stay strong!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    1. Gail says: thank you so much for these kind words and thoughts.

  9. It looks like a beautiful place. We hope it can be a place of comfort your your Granny.

  10. Hari OM
    Ahh Bertie lad... some of that brightness and balance will be there simply because HGY has been getting the 24/7 available cares. No question at all that there will be adjustments - for you all - but also no doubt that this is appropriate. ...and just think, when you go visit the new place, there will be lots of new folks to tug those ears! Blessings hugs and wags to you and Gail... YAM-aunty xxx

  11. it is also so hard to give up years of memories in one home to go to a new home you have connection too. we hope she feel more comfortable in time

  12. It's so hard but at least she will be in a safe place
    Lily & Edward

  13. Westcliffe looks like a beautiful place, Bertie. And you and Gail and HGY are so fortunate that the staff there allow YOU to visit! Think of the comfort you can bring to all the ladies there. We are sending special rottie hugs to Gail because we understand that this is another hard 'passage' for her, too.

    Otto and Ruby

    Oh! this just in...Angel Bart says he will watch over HGY from the Bridge...He's an excellent guard doggie...

  14. The companionship of others in the home will help her health improve. Living in a secure and caring environment will make the homesickness lessen too. I hope you both feel better about it soon.

  15. Crikey Bertie .....such difficult times you are all going through. Dear HGY. I hope she will be ok too. Mum knows exactly how Gail is feeling. Its not that long ago that my Nan had to go into care. She was like a lost soul for a while and hated it. She escaped whenever she could causing much distress for everyone but is now VERY settled and loves it. She has lots of friends and joins in all the activities. HGY will settle in too in time and ...... Bertie ..... you will be a big hit when you visit. I always am. Did you know old people ALWAYS have choccies or chocolate biscuits and they LOVE to share. they have no idea we shouldn't have chocolate. It's great! Give Gail lots of extra cuddles. She'll be feeling pretty down right now but it's for the best, aye?? Hugs!!!!!!!
