
Thursday 3 April 2014

Why I loved my HGD

My Human Grandad, Gail's Dad,
Was modest, true and kind.
For four years our lives overlapped,
He'll stay for ever in my mind.

He always loved to be outdoors,
And thoroughly believed
That walks with me were only fun
If I were off the lead.

He saved lamb shank bones in the fridge
For when I came to stay.
He loved to watch me on the lawn
Gnawing contentedly.

He could have been a dog, you know,
So loyal, trusty, steadfast.
Devoted to family,
In affections, uncomplicated.

He always smiled his special smile
On seeing Gail and me.
His deep blue eyes lit up
And sparkled curiosity.

I never heard him angry once.
Even towards the end.
His carers all used the same words,
"He is a lovely gentleman".

He rests now in the soil near home,
As peaceful as he lived.
And thinking of him, there is joy
Dancing beside the grief.

The worms will now be gentle too,
Nourished on his gentle flesh.
The grass will thrive, the blackbirds sing.
Even the badgers will show respect.


  1. Awww, dis were very sweet. Sending y'all big hugs - I knows you miss him.

  2. You had us at the saved lambshanks! We remember Gail talking about the HGD's life. He was a wonderful man. We hope you've sent him off with a 21-bark salute, Bertie.

    Love the poem.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. What a sweet poem, your love for him shines thru... sending y'all big hugs...

  4. Bertie that's just so lovely.

  5. That is just the loveliest tribute Bertie. We know he was much loved and he will be sorely missed. Hang onto all the happy memories of a wonderful human being who shared your life.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Hari OM
    Ah yes, the joy within; it's what brings us through these valleys. Thank you Bertie for penning these words. Part of the healing for you and the sharing for us. We are honoured to be your friends. Big hugs once more to you and Gail + wags. YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Bertie I did not know your HGD; however, I am as sure as can be he is smiling over today's post. Absolutely beautiful. He was surrounded by love and gave it freely.
    Lots of hugs Madi your BFFF

  8. Bertie - There's an old, and very sensible, Highland adage that says grieving after losing someone takes eight full seasons. Seems to me you are going to have to carry on with the responsible job of being a family fellow and guardian for a wee while longer yet.

  9. Beautiful thought Bertie.

    gus n teka

  10. What a wonderful tribute to your HGD. He sure was a special man.

  11. We miss him, too, Bertie. Great poem!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  12. We're so glad Gail has you to comfort her and express her thoughts and feelings so sweetly. Sometimes it can be very comforting to weep into a doggers' fur.

    xxxxxx Just Harry and mom

  13. Bertie and Miss Gail,
    WE had learned so many thingys about your HGD that he had become OUR HGD also. We Feel your PAIN and yet your JOY at having such a FABULOUS person in your life.
    BEAUTIFUL tribute Poem.

  14. Sure sounds like a good Grampy. I bet you helped put a smile in his face
    Lily & Edward

  15. I know you and Gail and HGM are very sad that HGD has passed on, Bertie, but you'll always have your love for and happy memories of HGD to sustain you. He was a lovely man indeed -- I know he'll be missed. Such a lovely poem in his tribute!

  16. The more we knew about him, the more we loved him too!
    Wonderful poem for him.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  17. What a beautiful poem and tribute! Just lovely!

  18. HGD sounded like a pawesome person. You were lucky to have him in your life, and he was lucky to have you in his!

  19. Well done Bertie. You're a good lad.
    Buzzy McDuff and the Pip

  20. Oh Bertie, this was lovely. Thanks for sharing him with us.


  21. Congrats! I has given you da Sunshine Award. Go to my blog to see it!

  22. What lovely words you have for your HGD. We send all our love to you and Gail - losing a parent (and HGD) is very very hard but you will remember him and his lovely ways for ever.

    xxx Rubie and her mum xxx

  23. This is a truly beautiful poem. I really loved reading about HGD and can see what a wonderful person he was. While I know you are sad Bertie you are right to keep on enjoying life and living every day to the fullest
    retro rover

  24. What a lovely tribute to a wonderful man. Your love for him shines through!

  25. Bertie,
    This is such a wonderful poem, HGD sounded like a lovely person. I loved reading this, it's a brilliant tribute. I'm so sorry for you and Gail, hope you're alright just now. I'm sure all the worms will be good to him!

  26. What a beautiful post to honor such a special person in your lives. Thinking of you!

  27. Oh Bertie, that was beautiful. I would write more, but I think there is something in my eye.


  28. A lovely tribute to a wonderful grandpa. Thanks so much for sharing.

  29. Oh Gail. Oh Bertie. I am in tears. Absolute non-stop streaming tears. My heart goes out to you ... and I want you to know ... you've set a standard for the most lovely, most touching, most personal, most special tribute ever written. We feel we know you both, and your Dad-HGD even better. Thank you for sharing this, and please accept our apologies for a very delayed reply.

    With much love ...
    Sally and Nina and the wires
