
Thursday 30 May 2013

Bluebells and HGD

You know it strikes me that the English language really is inadequate for the purposes of us pups. 

Why so?

See, our noses have, like, a squillion more scent cells than even the most sensitive human wine taster or perfume developer. So of course we would need more words to describe what we experience.

Take, for example, this bluebell wood in Clumber Park, where Gail and I stopped on our way to Nottingham last weekend. 

The aroma was, well, Gail is suggesting words like glorious, exhilarating, intense, fragrant, fresh, powerful.... But none of them even begins to describe what I experienced. You'll just have to imagine it.  

The next day Gail drove Human Grandad to a bluebell wood nearby but I wasn't allowed to accompany them. Something to do with "not wanting to subject HGD to a repeat performance of that racket in the car..." (see 26 May Lake District post).

So annoying. Oh how I wish I could have been with them. Especially given that, when Gail was putting HGD to bed that night, he told her he'd had "a lovely day".


  1. I am sorry you didn't get to go, it doesn't seem fair. I love the picture of you, I think I can smell the flowers and it is exhilapendious!

    Loveys Sasha

  2. Bertie - If humans had noses as sensitive as yours half the restaurants in Scotland would immediately go out of business.

  3. It would have been a better day for HGD if a certain WFT had been allowed to go. Humans are so limited in what they can smell.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. HGD would have had more fun were along!! We do have some fine noses huh??


  5. Oh no drats you got left behind. How maddening. We are going to sniff out some squirrels now. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Oh Bertie, so sorry you where left behind, but you know we love HGD. Mom has an internet crush on both you and HGD , we love your attitudes. This weekend mom met a wire fox terrier in central park and got all silly over how darling he was. She even got to telling dad she wanted one some day, then she went home and read about the prey drive and started thinking maybe not as we have cats. The extra exercise mom could probably handle with doggie day care and lots of walks and ball playing,but we told her we dont want to live with a pug or cat hunter. What are your feelings on pug and cat consumption?

    urban hounds

  7. OH my gosh - MOM remembers that! They use to go there when she was a pup.....she remembers those bluebells....her folks lived in Nottingham.

  8. Those bluebells are wonderful- glad you got to experience them and that HGD had a lovely day

  9. The Bluebells are not just FRAGRANT... the pictures of them are BEAUTIFUL.

    We are so glad that HGD told Gail that he had a LOVELY DAY with her. She must have felt VERY HAPPY about that.

  10. So sorry you weren't taken the second time around buddy. But, so glad he told your Momma that he had a wonderful day!

  11. Oh how beautiful - both the setting and your thoughtful gesture for your father.
    He is blessed to have a daughter like you.
    Sending lots of love to you all.

  12. Hari OM
    Smell is the strongest memory trigger even in we twolegs, Bertie-boy... and seeing these beaut piccies of you among the Bluebells, even after XXXX years, I can recall the perfume!!

    I wouldn't complain too much, lad, just think of it this way - perhaps Gail needed a little 1-1 time with her daddy? She's got you all the rest of the time, eh what? I'm sure there will be even greater things for you to share together. Do you tell Gail what lovely days you have with her? Just make sure to wag your tail three times harder when you read this so that she gets the message!!!!

    Hugs from YAM-aunty xxx

  13. Oh Bertie...your post brought a tear to our mom's eye. How lovely.

  14. Your right, we need more words. Now why didn't she take you along on that lovely day!!
    Benny & Lily

  15. You need to lick some sense into that Gail Bertie. What's a little racket in the car? The bluebell meadow is gorgeous.

  16. Bertie you were just excited and busy chatting to us in the car.

    Happy to read your HGD had a lovely trip out.

    Have a grrrrreat weekend.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  17. Oh Bertie,
    Sorry you missed seeing HGD because I know that you two have a special bond. You'll have to work on your transport manners a bit so you don't get left out again. I see you are air scenting. I do that too. Sometimes there are so many things to smell that focusing on just one spot could almost make your head explode.


  18. Mum says Clumber Park is indeed lovely. Tell Gail she is starting to sound like Gilly Goulden... :-) Hope HGD is doing well. Deccy x

  19. Bertie I'm convinced you also sniff with your tail..boy is it on alert there in the midst of the bluebells.

    Mom and I are so glad your HGD had a lovely day...quality time is most enjoyable...
    Hugs all around Madi your BFFF

  20. I cannot believe you gots left behind. What was she thinking Bertie..... so who did the expert commentary instead?????

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
