
Sunday 9 January 2011

The right kind of everything in Glen Tanar

I was a bit miffed to hear that Gail had gone gallivanting off to London for a couple of days with Flat George (click here if you really want to read about that).

So anyway, to make up, she took me for a long and perfect Sunday walk in Glen Tanar.

We had the right kind of snow (freshly fallen, and just enough to make everything look beautiful but not so much as to impede my customary bounciness)

It was just the right temperature, an invigorating 1 degree C and, for once, no wind.

We went at the right time of day, so the sun was high enough in the sky to peep out from behind the hills every now and then.

Glen Tanar has the right kind of trees (native Caledonian pine forest, not just boring plantation conifers).

We encountered the right amount of traffic on the forest tracks (i.e. none)

There was just the right amount of water for the stream to look its most pretty.

And, best of all, Gail remembered to bring along the right number of bribes so there weren't any rows about her making me do all this ridiculous posing....


  1. Dawling Bewtie
    Glen Tanaw looks like a pawadisical ind of place. I wish I could walk wif you in that fwesh clean snow. you awe so lucky to live in such a bootiful place
    smoochie kisses

  2. Bertie,

    That walk looks just right!

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

    Mom just read in the L.A. Times that the Swamp Soccer World Cup will take place June 25 and 26 in Edinburgh. One of the team names is "Sporting Abeergut."

    Yet WE have the reputation for being a crazy place!!

  3. So Bertie, Mum is beside herself (yeah, like we care) because she is going to London in May for the Chelsea Flower Show. Do they let you eat the flowers or do they serve them as salad? Then she is taking some sailing trip around southern England. She gets to go because her Da is not well enough to make the trip so her step-mother (also known as Katharine the Good) asked her if she would go. Mum really wishes she could visit Scotland because she loves your country and visited it as a child and her family is originally from there. But Mum's boss is having having enough anxiety about the 10 days she is going to be away.

    Anyway, enough about Mum, what about us? We read your blog today and showed her your walk. We asked why WE had not had our walk even if there is black ice outside. Mum mentioned not feeling well with a runny nose and being tired. And we said "So?" She is getting our harnesses out and we see a walk this afternoon. Mum has to have a cuppa tea and some biscuits and then she said we will move out.

    Thanks Bertie, you rock!

    Love, Dozer and Cooper

  4. What a beautiful walk Bertie, just perfect!
    We will have to go see what Gail got up to with Flat George.
    Goodness we can't keep up with Flat George - he is everywhere!
    We are also especially pleased to note that you didn't disappear on your walk.
    We do worry you might have inherited your Auntie Martha's wandering gene........!
    The Aunties xxx

  5. What a beautiful place, Bertie. AND you look so smart for the regulation photos. (We need bribes, as well.) We feel like we were on the walk with you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  6. Oh Bertie you look so very happy! I just LOVE the snow too!

    woo woos, Tessa

  7. don't blame you Bertie we would be miffed too, BOL. It sure looks like you made up for being miffed with that gorgeous walk
    Benny & Lily

  8. Oh Bertie,
    I bet there were some amazing sniffs there. Wow, you are so lucky!
    Sally Ann

  9. What a lovely and perfect walk!! I hope you didn't get any of those crazy little ice balls on your fur!?! Aren't walks outside the best. Enjoy your trip.

  10. Oh Bertie, how wonderful to have such a just right day. Very lovely indeed.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  11. What a lovely walk you had, Bertie. Glad you got some treats too :) xx

  12. What a fun walk there Bertie. Pretty pictures and looks like you really enjoyed yourself!!


  13. Wow..what a fabulous walk you had their Bertie. So great when the traffic is non existent!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  14. Morning Bertie and thank you for stopping by to say hi. I thoroughly enjoyed Flat George's visit to Scotland. However, I agree with you why does George get to do things we cannot do with our peeps.
    Mom knows how much I love turkey!!!

    There certainly is a lot of snow in your area. We are waiting for snow here today....and freezing rain tonight.
    Hugs from Madi the Diva Cat

  15. PS correction we see now that George went to London...with Gail...

  16. Well, Goldiefox, what a "just right" day!

    Jed & Abby

  17. Little buddy,listen, pick us up at 5:30 pm today because we have to walk here with you. This is our kind of place. Plus after reading the last posts Archie realized he never wrote a chapter on birds and bees so he needs to have a little talk with you( this could be really really scary,... he has a thing for Bichon's.....) Love A+A

  18. Glen Tanar looks like a real winter wonderland Bertie! Nice of Gail to come back and take you on a nice long walk. We're now relegated to leash-walking since we're once again in Phoenix. Boo!! Mommy said they might take us to Flagstaff to romp in the snow some weekend if we're good.
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRocketDog & Hootie

    ps-You are sure becoming a big boy!

  19. Bertie, you have grown into such a handsome fellow. Hard to believe you're coming up on your first birthday next month. Looks like a splendid place to take a walk, I seem to be skipping snow this winter, but a wide open beach is pretty good as well. Frankly, any time off leash is a good time. Very impressed that Gail can let you off leash and you don't high-tail it off to London to see Uncle Eric! You are a well-behaved boy - sure you're really a terrier?

    Your pal,


  20. We are so jealous that all of you get those white stuff which we will never have!

    We read your profile that you live where Hamish used to live. We remember Hamish though we have not really got to know him. Hope we will get to know you more.

    We want to thank you for coming by our blog to see Flat George when we were hosting him. Hope you will visit again.

  21. And this was the just right post for two snow deprived foxies. It looks lovely. We sorta miss it.

    Jake and Fergs
    (You look lovely, too)

  22. Oh Bertie...

    I see why Katie adores you...


    When is your first Barkday?? I know it's around Katie's....



  23. Bertie! Pleased to make your acquaintance! I'm likin your attitude my furiend. Never to anythin for nothin! My kinda guy :D

    Followin your tail,
