
Friday 19 November 2021

Never mind the pink skies..


It is important when visiting the park at sunrise

Not to get distracted from the main task at hand (or paw)...

Happy Nature Friday friends!

Oh and we have a special bonus today - a late season fungal cascade spotted on an old beech stump in the woods by Banchory last week. Who can tell where the mushrooms end and the fallen leaves begin?

And just one more thing.

Can you believe we saw this solitary rhododendron flower in bloom (near where we saw the fungus)? In November!

Thanks once again to our dear friends, the LLB Gang, for hosting the blog hop. Gail and I were so very sorry to hear the recent sad news about Arty. He was an adorable worldwide superstar, a character without peer, and his immense contribution to Blogville will not be forgotten. We are sending Rosy, Jakey, Sunny and their Mama and Daddy more love and hugs as they come to terms with their loss.


  1. Bertie that is beautiful!!! but the best is the WHFT in front of all that colors...

  2. What a spectacular sunrise, Bertie. You and Gail must have been up extra early to see that!

    Inca xx
    P.S. I went to see the vet again on Tuesday, and the good news is that I haven't had a stroke! I must have banged my head and it's affected the nerves on one side of my face. The vet thinks they will heal, and I'll be OK. Isn't that good news!

    1. Inca, this is very good news! Thanks for telling us.

    2. I'm also glad to hear the hopeful news about Inca. I've followed her "adventures" via your comments on Bob and Sophie.

    3. Thank you Stephanie - it's nice to know that you follow my "adventures"!
      Inca xx

  3. Your pink sky is just incredible, Bertie, and we love the mushrooms! Seeing flowers in November is truly a gift.

  4. you look fab in front of the sunset and my favorite is you Making A Statement in front of the beautiful sky.. those mushrooms are totally amazing to me. they are cascading down and out... hugs and love Bertie and Beau and I join you in remembering sweet adorable Arty

  5. Being the family pink girl, I love all the pink in your photos today! As for the fungus, Mom would say, there is a fungus amungus :)

  6. Hari OM
    ye gods, that is some sunrise... pawssibly it would have been the same here. Had we been able to see the sun at all... The veil of shrooms is gawjuss - and as for the rhoddy... well it is not alone in perhaps thinking it was already spring. This week (despite the grizzle) has been very mild and I have had wasps at the window looking for nesting places!!!

    Arty will be sooooo missed... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. PINK SKIES OVER thinks I hear a song brewing. WOW Sorry Bertie I'm a loyal fan but OMDs the pink sky WOW! Of course you had a wee bit of very manly pink in that picture of your handsome self.

    I don't think in all my 187 years I've seen that many mushrooms in one place and the beautiful Rhodie is almost the same color as the sky

    Also, I'd like to add a double ditto to your comments about Arty
    Hugs and Happy Nature Friday.

  8. What a beautiful sunrise! Those sure are a lot of mushrooms and that rhodie sure is confused. You sure look like you were enjoying your early morning romp in the park.

  9. Wow! What an amazing sunrise! We loved seeing all those mushrooms too.

  10. OMD....Mama hardly noticed the pink skies once you showed her all the fungi!

    We, of course, only noticed you Bertie!

    Thanks so much for your nice words for Arty, we sure do miss him.
    Rosy and the Gang

  11. What splendid photos all around, Bertie!

  12. Bertie - the pink sky is amazing! Lee and Phod

  13. Red sky at morning...was there a storm soon after? But the sky was really quite spectacular to look at!
